Polymers in Cardiovascular Surgery


Polymers in Cardiovascular Surgery

Sithara Gopinath, P. Radhakrishnan Nair, Suresh Mathew

Polymers are very useful in developing cardiovascular surgery, with flexibility, biocompatibility, and possible adjustable mechanical strength. This chapter looks into different forms of polymers, such as natural and synthetic, used in cardiovascular devices, for instance, stents, heart valves, and vascular grafts. Some key advancements have been discussed in polymer synthesis, surface modifications for enhanced hemocompatibility, and their clinical performance. Areas of challenge include the degradation of polymers and future developments that involve biohybrid materials, smart polymers, and so on. The chapter includes discussions on regulatory and ethical considerations so that eventually, polymers shall play a central role in the future of cardiovascular interventions.

Cardiovascular Polymers, Biocompatible Materials, Polymeric Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, Drug-Eluting Polymers, Medical Devices, Surgical Implants

Published online 2/15/2025, 26 pages

Citation: Sithara Gopinath, P. Radhakrishnan Nair, Suresh Mathew, Polymers in Cardiovascular Surgery, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 172, pp 87-112, 2025

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644903353-4

Part of the book on Applications of Polymers in Surgery II

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