Polymers in Blood Vessels Reconstruction
Joy Hoskeri H., Vidyashree Suryavanshi, Preeti Gadyal, Nivedita Pujari S., Arun K. Shettar
Vascular tissue architectural knowledge is the key for repairing vascular abnormalities and also offers opportunities for targeted therapies for vascular diseases. Despite the advancements in the field of biomaterials vascular implantation is still a challenge. Importance of natural polymers like collagen, elastin, chitosan, alginate, fibrin, gelatin, and synthetic polymers like polyethylene-glycol, poly(L-lactic-co-glycolic-acid), polyvinyl-alcohol, polypropylene, polycaprolactone, poly(phenylene-vinylene) in blood vessel reconstruction, primarily due to their biocompatibility and ability to support cellular activities essential for vascular repair is covered in this chapter. Polymeric aortic vessels using advanced 3D printing technique demonstrate the potential of polymer scaffolds in creating customized vascular replacements.
Cardiovascular Diseases, Blood Vessel Reconstruction, Polymers, Haemostatics, Sealants
Published online 2/15/2025, 48 pages
Citation: Joy Hoskeri H., Vidyashree Suryavanshi, Preeti Gadyal, Nivedita Pujari S., Arun K. Shettar, Polymers in Blood Vessels Reconstruction, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 172, pp 413-460, 2025
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644903353-18
Part of the book on Applications of Polymers in Surgery II
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