The influence of dynamic characteristics of six-bar linkage mechanical press transmission system on the accuracy of slider

The influence of dynamic characteristics of six-bar linkage mechanical press transmission system on the accuracy of slider

ZHAI Hua, ZHANG Yingjie, SONG Zhaoai, ZANG Congyun, ZHANG QingLin, LV Pin, LI Jiajie

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Abstract. The six-bar linkage mechanical press is a crucial equipment in the preparation of metal bipolar plates for fuel cells. The dynamic characteristics of the transmission system have a significant impact on the precision of the slide operation, which directly affects the quality of the bipolar plate forming. In this article, A dynamic model of the six-bar linkage transmission system under complex forming workloads was established to research dynamic characteristics. The dynamic characteristics of each bar was analyzed under load conditions. Combining with the orthogonal experimental method, we investigate the various parameters influence on the press slide precision. Through an six-factor orthogonal experiment, the results show that the down-push rod dynamic characteristics are the most important factor affecting the slide stroke precision under the transmission system’s workload conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the down-push rod design and manufacturing process. The results of this study have a certain reference value for the design and optimization of the six-bar linkage mechanical press, and the improvement of the quality of metal bipolar plate preparation for fuel cells.

Six Link Mechanical Press, Dynamic Model, Drive System, Dynamic Characteristis, Orthogonal Experimental Method

Published online 9/15/2024, 11 pages
Copyright © 2024 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: ZHAI Hua, ZHANG Yingjie, SONG Zhaoai, ZANG Congyun, ZHANG QingLin, LV Pin, LI Jiajie, The influence of dynamic characteristics of six-bar linkage mechanical press transmission system on the accuracy of slider, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 44, pp 41-51, 2024


The article was published as article 5 of the book Metal Forming 2024

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