Microstructure and texture evolution of Mg-Zn-Al-Ca (ZAX210) during groove rolling

Microstructure and texture evolution of Mg-Zn-Al-Ca (ZAX210) during groove rolling


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Abstract. This study introduces the ZAX210 magnesium alloy wire, produced using groove rolling. The starting material, initially extruded, was successfully rolled from 12.0 mm to 6.7 mm diameter in eight passes using square-oval grooves, finishing with an oval and round shape. High strain rates and an optimized rolling temperature of 265 °C were found beneficial, avoiding hot cracks and promoting recrystallization. Microstructural analysis using light and electron microscopy revealed a fully recrystallized, fine microstructure with uniform precipitate distribution. Texture development is being assessed with EBSD, where a strong dependence of the respective groove shape on the expression of the texture was observed. Mechanical properties of the final wire were determined, whereas Rp0.2 is 308 MPa, Rm is 337 MPa and A is 17.8 %.

Microstructure, Magnesium, ZAX210, Groove Tolling

Published online 9/15/2024, 9 pages
Copyright © 2024 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: STIRL Max, ULLMANN Madlen, PRAHL Ulrich, Microstructure and texture evolution of Mg-Zn-Al-Ca (ZAX210) during groove rolling, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 44, pp 331-339, 2024

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644903254-35

The article was published as article 35 of the book Metal Forming 2024

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