Wrinkling behavior of the ultra-thin components with variable cross-sectional perimeter during bending process with local support

Wrinkling behavior of the ultra-thin components with variable cross-sectional perimeter during bending process with local support

ZHUANG Yongpeng, HAN Cong

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Abstract: The wrinkling behavior of the ultra-thin components during the tube bending process was investigated by finite element analysis and confirmed by experiment and the causes of various typical defects were explored. The tube was bent through three local support methods: without support, hard support, soft support. The results indicate that severe wrinkling behavior of pipes occur during bending process. However, in the case of soft support, the wrinkling behavior of the pipe is suppressed and flattened during the subsequent bulging process.

Bending, Ultra-Thin Component, Local Support, Wrinkling Behavior

Published online 9/15/2024, 7 pages
Copyright © 2024 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: ZHUANG Yongpeng, HAN Cong, Wrinkling behavior of the ultra-thin components with variable cross-sectional perimeter during bending process with local support, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 44, pp 254-260, 2024

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644903254-28

The article was published as article 28 of the book Metal Forming 2024

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