Response of vacuum vessel inner shell under low-speed impact

Response of vacuum vessel inner shell under low-speed impact

ZHAI Hua, WANG Xuncheng, LI Cheng, MA Jianguo, LIU Zhihong, WU Yucheng

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Abstract. Nuclear fusion energy is a promising new energy, This vacuum environment in nuclear fusion reactor is provided by the precision vacuum vessel, which also provides a support structure for the installation of internal components of the fusion device. In this paper, the impact response of double layer vacuum chamber inner wall under transverse impact load is experimentally studied to manufacture the high quality vacuum chamber. From the drop weight experiments, the vacuum chamber wall under five groups of different impact energy is analyzed, and the impact response displacement, and energy absorption rate of the sample are compared and discussed. The experimental results show that the impact force and impact response displacement increase with the impact energy, and the error also increases. The influence of rib plate in the vacuum chamber inner wall on impact response displacement is analyzed. With the increase of the damage deformation of the vacuum chamber wall, the rebound amount of the impact block cannot increase linearly with the impact energy. The actual situation is simulated with software, and the results of experimental and simulated energy absorption are compared and explained.

Low Speed Impact, Vacuum Vessel Inner Shell, Impact Response, Simulation Rib Plate

Published online 9/15/2024, 9 pages
Copyright © 2024 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: ZHAI Hua, WANG Xuncheng, LI Cheng, MA Jianguo, LIU Zhihong, WU Yucheng, Response of vacuum vessel inner shell under low-speed impact, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 44, pp 218-226, 2024


The article was published as article 24 of the book Metal Forming 2024

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