Analysis of thermal efficiency of solar flat plate collector working with hybrid nanofluids: An experimental study

Analysis of thermal efficiency of solar flat plate collector working with hybrid nanofluids: An experimental study


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Abstract. Thermal efficiency of solar flat-plate collector (SFPC) was analyzed experimentally through water -based mono Al2O¬, CuO, and hybrid Al2O3-CuO nanofluids. The particle loadings used for the analysis are 0.048%, 0.096%, 0.144%, 0.192% and 0.24%, respectively. The experiments were conducted at a flow rate of 0.008 kg/s of mono, and hybrid nanofluids. The experimental outcomes indicate, the thermal efficiency of mono and hybrid nanofluids raised under the larger volume loadings in comparison with water. Results show, that the Al2O3-CuO hybrid nanofluid offered higher thermal efficiency values than mono Al2O3 and CuO nanofluids. Thermal efficiency of SFPC was found to get enhanced by 57.66%, 66.58% and 73.75% at 0.24 vol.% Al2O3, CuO, and Al2O3-CuO hybrid nanofluids, over the water data, respectively, at solar noon time of 12:00 P.M.

Thermal Efficiency, Flat Plate Collector, Hybrid Nanofluids, Augmentation, Solar Energy

Published online 7/15/2024, 10 pages
Copyright © 2024 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Solomon MESFIN, Veeredhi VASUDEVA RAO, L. Syam SUNDAR, Analysis of thermal efficiency of solar flat plate collector working with hybrid nanofluids: An experimental study, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 43, pp 21-30, 2024


The article was published as article 3 of the book Renewable Energy: Generation and Application

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