Short and long-term reconstruction of in-orbit fragmentation events

Short and long-term reconstruction of in-orbit fragmentation events

Francesca Ottoboni, Andrea Muciaccia, Camilla Colombo

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Abstract. Over the past decade, the number of space debris has steadily increased. Consequently, the risk of collision between debris and active satellites has also increased, threatening the safety of space operations. Therefore, it is crucial to characterise fragments as soon as possible after their formation, to gather information about the fragmentation event which has generated them. In this context, the PUZZLE software has been developed at Politecnico di Milano to reconstruct past in-orbit breakups. This research aims at improving the current routine to obtain more accurate results and at optimising it for the analysis of fragmentations in the GEO and MEO regions.

Fragmentation Events, Debris Characterisation, Backward Propagation

Published online 6/1/2024, 4 pages
Copyright © 2024 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Francesca Ottoboni, Andrea Muciaccia, Camilla Colombo, Short and long-term reconstruction of in-orbit fragmentation events, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 42, pp 154-157, 2024


The article was published as article 34 of the book Aerospace Science and Engineering

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