Integrated process chain for crashworthiness assessment of innovative aircraft cabin layouts

Integrated process chain for crashworthiness assessment of innovative aircraft cabin layouts

Leonardo Marconi, Dieter Kohlgrueber, Michael Petsch

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Abstract. Over the years, the German Aerospace Center (DLR) has developed a multidisciplinary process chain for aircraft design. This paper introduces a novel feature of this process chain, implemented in the Python tool called “Parametric Numerical Design and Optimization Routines for Aircraft” (PANDORA) developed at the Institute of Structures and Design (BT) featuring enhanced numerical tools for the fuselage structure analysis and sizing. The ongoing development focuses on achieving a high level of detail in the aircraft Finite Element (FE) modeling chain for crashworthiness evaluations, including a more detailed cabin description as well as advanced anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs). The aim is to study the dynamic behavior of novel cabin layouts and structures under crash conditions starting from their parametrical definition, and evaluate innovative design choices in terms of safety. Such a fully integrated process chain becomes necessary due to recent changes in aviation crashworthiness regulations, where the shift from prescriptive to performance-based requirements may significantly influence both the aircraft design and certification process.

Process Chain, FEM, ATDs, Crashworthiness, Occupant Safety, CPACS

Published online 6/1/2024, 4 pages
Copyright © 2024 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Leonardo Marconi, Dieter Kohlgrueber, Michael Petsch, Integrated process chain for crashworthiness assessment of innovative aircraft cabin layouts, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 42, pp 43-46, 2024


The article was published as article 10 of the book Aerospace Science and Engineering

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