Comparison between different methods to determine material constants of the ZK60 Mg alloy from hot bulge tests data
CUSANNO Angela, PICCININI Antonio, GUGLIELMI Pasquale, SORGENTE Donato, QIAO Jun, PALUMBO Gianfranco
download PDFAbstract. ZK60 is an Aluminium-free Magnesium alloy able to achieve high ductility in superplastic conditions. Those properties make the alloy suitable to be investigated for temporary prostheses production by means of the Superplastic Forming (SPF) process. To properly design the manufacturing process by numerical simulations, an accurate material constitutive model is needed. In the present work, bulge tests at 400°C were conducted on a ZK60 Magnesium sheet using different loading conditions, namely two different levels of constant pressure (CP) and jump pressure (JP) between the two pressure levels. The dome height evolution was acquired during each test and used to calibrate the material constants of the Backofen constitutive equation (σ=C∙ε ̇^m) using three different methodologies: (i) an analytical approach (ii) an inverse methodology based on a single CP test and (iii) an inverse methodology based on the JP test. The obtained constants were validated by subsequent numerical simulations. Comparing the numerical/experimental dome height curves, it was found that the sets of constants determined using the inverse methodology based on the JP test are able to describe the material superplastic behaviour over a wider span of loading conditions.
Aluminium-Free Mg Alloy, ZK60, Superplastic Behavior, Bulge Tests, Inverse Analysis
Published online 4/24/2024, 10 pages
Copyright © 2024 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA
Citation: CUSANNO Angela, PICCININI Antonio, GUGLIELMI Pasquale, SORGENTE Donato, QIAO Jun, PALUMBO Gianfranco, Comparison between different methods to determine material constants of the ZK60 Mg alloy from hot bulge tests data, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 41, pp 2235-2244, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644903131-246
The article was published as article 246 of the book Material Forming
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