Topology optimization for the design of additively manufactured hot stamping tools

Topology optimization for the design of additively manufactured hot stamping tools

YU Daoming, RACHIK Mohamed, BRUN Gilles, BLAISE Alexandre, SARRE Benjamin

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Abstract. The hot stamping process makes it possible to obtain complex-shaped parts with high mechanical properties. The hot stamping production rate is driven by the cooling system inside the tool. Improving the efficiency of the cooling system is a key factor as it reduces part production time and thus lower the cost. But an optimized cooling system requires complex internal geometries. That is why the development of additive manufacturing (AM) opens up new and good prospects for designing and making hot stamping tools with high cooling efficiency. This research proposes a two-step topology optimization procedure for hot stamping tools’ design. In the first step, the fluid/thermal topology optimization is used to find the best design for the cooling system. As the printing time and cost for the additively manufactured tool depend on the amount of material used, the second step focuses on removing unnecessary materials in hot stamping tools.

Topology Optimization, Additive Manufacturing, Hot-Stamping, Simulation

Published online 4/24/2024, 10 pages
Copyright © 2024 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: YU Daoming, RACHIK Mohamed, BRUN Gilles, BLAISE Alexandre, SARRE Benjamin, Topology optimization for the design of additively manufactured hot stamping tools, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 41, pp 1769-1778, 2024


The article was published as article 196 of the book Material Forming

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