Assessments of staked hybrid joints made by studs 3D printed at different manufacturing conditions

Assessments of staked hybrid joints made by studs 3D printed at different manufacturing conditions

CONTE Romina, GAGLIARDI Francesco, AMBROGIO Giuseppina, FILICE Luigino

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Abstract. The integration of polymers and metals in engineering applications has led to the development of hybrid joints that combine the distinct advantages of both materials. The staking process is a manufacturing technique, which involves the joining or the securing components through the controlled deformation of materials. It involves forming a permanent and strong connection by reshaping or displacing material, often using force or pressure without the need of additional fasteners, like screws or adhesives. This study presents a comprehensive experimental analysis of a specific hybrid joint performed by staking and by using a polymeric 3D printed partner and a steel plate. The influence of the printer machine and the related printing speed on the joint strength is discussed and the findings demonstrate a strong correlation between this variable and the mechanical properties of the hybrid joints.

Processing Technologies, Staking Process, Hybrid Structures, Polymer-Metal Joining, Mechanical Testing

Published online 4/24/2024, 8 pages
Copyright © 2024 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: CONTE Romina, GAGLIARDI Francesco, AMBROGIO Giuseppina, FILICE Luigino, Assessments of staked hybrid joints made by studs 3D printed at different manufacturing conditions, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 41, pp 1660-1667, 2024


The article was published as article 184 of the book Material Forming

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