Evaluation of correlations between principal axes in uniaxial tensile tests of aluminum based on Mohr’s strain circle
IIZUKA Takashi
download PDFAbstract. Anisotropic elasticity is expected to contribute significantly to material deformation and should be considered in nature. Therefore, in this study, the correlations between elastic and plastic strains are investigated, with emphasis on the principal axes. In an experiment, strains are measured in eight directions during tensile tests, and Mohr’s circles are derived for elastic and plastic strains. The planar anisotropy of elasticity and plasticity for some mechanical properties is confirmed, and the angle deviations between the principal axes of stress and strain are compared for elasticity and plasticity. In the case of aluminum, for both elasticity and plasticity, the planar anisotropy of its mechanical properties indicates four-fold symmetry, and the principal axes of elastic and plastic strains are identical, with some angle deviations from the principal axes of stress.
Anisotropic Metals, Principal Axes, The Associated Flow Rule, Mohr’S Strain Circle
Published online 4/24/2024, 10 pages
Copyright © 2024 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA
Citation: IIZUKA Takashi, Evaluation of correlations between principal axes in uniaxial tensile tests of aluminum based on Mohr’s strain circle, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 41, pp 1017-1026, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644903131-112
The article was published as article 112 of the book Material Forming
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