Comparison of LARES 1 and LARES 2 missions – one year after the launch
Ignazio Ciufolini, Antonio Paolozzi, Emiliano Ortore, Claudio Paris, Erricos C. Pavlis, John C. Ries, Richard Matzner
download PDFAbstract. The LARES 1 and LARES 2 missions were designed to test an intriguing phenomenon predicted by the theory of general relativity: the Lense-Thirring (frame-dragging) effect. In particular, the LARES 2 mission was designed with the goal of reaching an accuracy 10 times better than that obtained with LARES 1, launched 10 years earlier. To reach this demanding goal a special orbit and a specific satellite design was required. Knowledge of the gravitational field of Earth of ever-increasing accuracy, thanks to the Follow-on GRACE space mission together with the spectacular orbital injection accuracy provided by the Avio-ASI-ESA launcher VEGA C, will make possible an even better accuracy after a few years of data analysis. In this paper the two missions are compared along with the results obtained from the LARES 1 mission and those expected from LARES 2.
LARES 2, Satellite Design, Laser Ranging, General Relativity, Frame-Dragging
Published online 11/1/2023, 4 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA
Citation: Ignazio Ciufolini, Antonio Paolozzi, Emiliano Ortore, Claudio Paris, Erricos C. Pavlis, John C. Ries, Richard Matzner, Comparison of LARES 1 and LARES 2 missions – one year after the launch, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 37, pp 563-566, 2023
The article was published as article 123 of the book Aeronautics and Astronautics
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