Investigation of the influence of kinematic asymmetry on the properties of laminated materials

Investigation of the influence of kinematic asymmetry on the properties of laminated materials

Olesya D. Biryukova, Alexander M. Pesin, Denis O. Pustovoytov

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Abstract. Trend of simultaneous improvement of such mechanical metal properties as strength, hardness and ductility remains popular. Asymmetric accumulative roll bonding is a method of severe plastic deformation that can create large shear deformations. These deformations in its turn are responsible for increase of mechanical properties. Initially computer modeling was carried out to study the influence of kinematic asymmetry parameters on the stress-strain state of laminated aluminum composites. For the study, such combinations of aluminum alloys as 5083/1070, 5083/2024, 6061/1070, 6061/2024 were considered. As a result of a numerical study, the conditions for obtaining high values of shear deformation, which affects the increase in mechanical properties in laminated aluminum composites, are determined. Experimental confirmation of the simulation results was carried out on a unique asymmetric rolling mill 400 installed in NMSTU. As the final stage of work, the development of rational technological schemes and regimes of cold and warm asymmetric accumulative roll bonding of laminated aluminum composites was carried out. The study showed a simultaneous increase in the strength and technological plasticity of received products, which differ in the ratio of total equivalent deformations and shear angles during at least 2 cycles of asymmetric accumulative roll bonding. It is shown that with an increase in value of the speed rolls ratio at the same inter-roll gap, the relative reduction increases, and the rolling force decreases by a factor of 2 (compared with these parameters at equal speeds of the work rolls). It is supposed to use such composites in space and automotive industries.

Aluminum Composites, Accumulative Roll Bonding, Kinematic Asymmetry, Laminated Materials, Tensile Strength, Yield Strength

Published online , 7 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Olesya D. Biryukova, Alexander M. Pesin, Denis O. Pustovoytov, Investigation of the influence of kinematic asymmetry on the properties of laminated materials, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 32, pp 287-293, 2023


The article was published as article 33 of the book Superplasticity in Advanced Materials

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