Integration of HF and SPF technology in an efficient industrial production flow for high rates aeronautical parts
Yves Marcel, Jeremy Pion, Sharan Raj Rangasamy Mahendren
download PDFAbstract. The presentation will illustrate the creation and production ramp-up of the Titanium Hot Forming and Superplastic Forming Technology in a French aeronautical supplier from Industrialization to A320NEO full-rate production. With deformation and elongations well beyond classical « cold » sheet metal forming capabilities (especially with high-strength titanium alloys such as Ti64 and refractory Ti6242), Hot Forming and Superplastic Forming were key assets to be complementary to other standard manufacturing methods already used in the factories of the LAUAK group. Several aspects of the project will be presented, including the installation of HF/SPF workshop and presses, the industrialization steps of Airbus A320NEO pylon parts from tooling design to the qualification, and then integration of the HF & SPF in the full logistics flow of the factory production lines (from the material, blanks, forming, 5-axis laser trimming and machining, control and finally assembly). Some of the industrial challenges faced and overcame will be highlighted and illustrated.
Titanium, Hot Forming, Superplastic Forming, Ti6Al4V, Ti6242, Airbus, A320NEO, Industrial Challenges, HF/SPF Simulations, HF/SPF Workshop, Logistics, Production Workflow
Published online , 8 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA
Citation: Yves Marcel, Jeremy Pion, Sharan Raj Rangasamy Mahendren, Integration of HF and SPF technology in an efficient industrial production flow for high rates aeronautical parts, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 32, pp 119-126, 2023
The article was published as article 13 of the book Superplasticity in Advanced Materials
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