Preliminary investigation and SWOT analysis of sustainable mortar utilizing Arabic Gum
Muhammad Nasir, Walid A. Al-Kutti, A.B.M. Saiful Islam, Khalid Saqer Alotaibi, Ammar Al Eid, Yousef Khalid Algatam, Ali Alqahtani
download PDFAbstract. Modern concrete technology requires commercial chemical additives or admixtures – synthetic in nature which are considered as non-ecological construction practice. Conversely, Arabic Gum (AG) is also known to alter the properties of the concrete without compromising the techno-economic and environmental merits when adequately incorporated. This research explores the potency of AG in the development of ordinary Portland cement (OPC) mortar. Four types of mixes were prepared after admixing the dosage of AG in the range of 0% to 1.5% at an interval of 0.5% by weight of the OPC. The specimens were tested by evaluating representative fresh and mechanical properties, such as visual inspection, flow, and compressive strength. The findings were also correlated with the scanning electron microscopy. The results indicated that workability was linearly enhanced by the inclusion of the AG. On the other hand, the strength progressed up to 1% dosage of AG afterwards insignificant development was noticed attributed to bleeding phenomenon leading to a non-cohesive matrix. Therefore, 1%-admixed AG mixture was considered as optimum mix yielding a maximum flow of 250 mm and a 28-day compressive strength of 47.4 MPa. These values were 47% and 22% higher than that in the AG-free mix, respectively. It is postulated that the AG acts like a superplasticizer and contribute to enhance the workability of the mixture, whereas optimum dose provide microstructural densification resulting in higher strength. Hence, up to 1% of AG can be beneficially admixed depending on the flow and strength requirements. The SWOT analysis indicated that the usage of AG in production of construction products might expand the market for the farmers, cut-short the material cost and contribute to the circular economy.
Sustainable Mortar, Portland Cement, Arabic Gum, Admixture, Bleeding, Flow, Compressive Strength, Microscopy, SWOT Analysis
Published online 8/10/2023, 7 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA
Citation: Muhammad Nasir, Walid A. Al-Kutti, A.B.M. Saiful Islam, Khalid Saqer Alotaibi, Ammar Al Eid, Yousef Khalid Algatam, Ali Alqahtani, Preliminary investigation and SWOT analysis of sustainable mortar utilizing Arabic Gum, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 31, pp 306-312, 2023
The article was published as article 32 of the book Advanced Topics in Mechanics of Materials, Structures and Construction
Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
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