Application of digital image correlation method to assess temporalis muscle activity during unilateral cyclic loading of the human masticatory system

Application of digital image correlation method to assess temporalis muscle activity during unilateral cyclic loading of the human masticatory system

Dominik Pachnicz, Przemysław Stróżyk

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Abstract. This paper presents an in vivo experimental study in which an optical digital image correlation system was used to assess the activity of the temporalis muscle. The muscle activity was analysed and assessed based on its displacements resulting from unilateral cyclic loading and unloading of a specimen placed on one side of the mandible between pairs of corresponding premolars and molars. Two sets of synchronised cameras (two per side) positioned on the working and non-working sides were used for the measurements. The results of the measurements were analysed individually for each part of the muscle, i.e. the anterior temporalis, the middle temporalis and the posterior temporalis and each side. The results indicate that the presented measurement method made it possible to determine temporalis muscle activity in vivo from displacement measurements. It also confirms the information on temporalis muscle function given by other researchers. In addition, the advantage of the presented method is that it offers significantly greater measurement capabilities (larger area of analysis) than other measurement methods, such as electromyography.

In Vivo Measurements, Optical Method, Masticatory Muscle Activity

Published online , 7 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Dominik Pachnicz, Przemysław Stróżyk, Application of digital image correlation method to assess temporalis muscle activity during unilateral cyclic loading of the human masticatory system, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 30, pp 61-67, 2023


The article was published as article 9 of the book Experimental Mechanics

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