Influence of ultra-fine friction grinding on microstructured Sago starch particles and suspension films
AFIQAH Nabihah Ahmad, NAMASIVAYAM Navaranjan, HIROSHI Uyama, SYAZANA Abdullah Lim
download PDFAbstract. Microstructured sago (Metroxylon sagu) possesses an excellent potential to be used for numerous applications. In this paper, sago starch microparticles (SMPs) were fabricated using an ultra-fine grinder without any chemical treatments or purification steps thus making it a “green” and an eco-friendly procedure. The effects on increasing the numbers of passages through the grinder on the resulting SMPs and as suspension films were investigated. We observed that after 7 cycles the average diameter was reduced to a microscale region of 0.811 ± 0.754 µm (811 nm). The highest tensile strength was shown to be the highest after 3 cycles of 2.308 ± 0.210 MPa and repeated cycles beyond 7-cycled SMPs process had resulted in damaged microparticles. Furthermore, water vapor permeability was observed in SMPs with higher number of grinding cycles, with 7-cycled SMPs being 15.522 ± 0.184 g mm/m2 h Pa and 10-cycled SMPs, 19.763± 0.233 g mm/m2 h Pa. Our results demonstrated that the final particle size, water vapor permeability and tensile strength of the SMPs suspensions films were affected by the number of passages through the mechanical grinder.
Green Fabrication, Sago, Starch, Micro-Particles, Mechanical Grinder
Published online 5/20/2023, 6 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA
Citation: AFIQAH Nabihah Ahmad, NAMASIVAYAM Navaranjan, HIROSHI Uyama, SYAZANA Abdullah Lim, Influence of ultra-fine friction grinding on microstructured Sago starch particles and suspension films, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 29, pp 487-492, 2023
The article was published as article 55 of the book Sustainable Processes and Clean Energy Transition
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