The effect of the mixing temperature on the viscosity of blood mimicking fluid for application in medical simulator under angiography imaging
download PDFAbstract. Bench-top medical simulator is used for rehearsing medical treatment procedure to treat abnormal blood flow in blood vessels. The blood vessels are 3D-printed, and flow is simulated using blood mimicking fluid. It is crucial that the fluid can replicate the tactile feedback of actual blood during simulation which contributed by blood viscosity. There are limited studies regarding the effect of mixing temperature during blood mimicking fluid preparation towards the viscosity of blood mimicking fluid. This experiment aims to investigate the effect of mixing temperature variation of 25℃, 37℃ and 88℃ towards blood mimicking fluid that made up of xanthan gum, corn starch, water, and glycerol. The viscosities of samples are measured against a range of shear rates, from 0.1 s-1 to 1000 s-1 using a rheometer. Generally, shear thinning viscosity was observed and the viscosity data was fitted to power law viscosity model. The viscosity decreased as the mixing temperature increased. Power law fluid consistency index, K and non-Newtonian fluid behaviour index, n showed deviation of more than 8% from the actual blood.
Shear Thinning, Mixing Temperature, Viscosity, Polysaccharides
Published online 5/20/2023, 8 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA
Citation: REASHINI Sritharan, ANIS SUHAILA Shuib, HUAN XIN Wong, SIEW WEI Phang, HAFISOH Ahmad, VOON LOONG Wong, AHMAD SOBRI Muda, The effect of the mixing temperature on the viscosity of blood mimicking fluid for application in medical simulator under angiography imaging, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 29, pp 289-296, 2023
The article was published as article 32 of the book Sustainable Processes and Clean Energy Transition
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