Modeling multiaxial stress states in forming simulation of woven fabrics
KÄRGER Luise, SCHÄFER Florian, WERNER Henrik O.
download PDFAbstract. During the forming of woven fabrics, different multiaxial stress states can occur, depending on the given process conditions and the complex deformation mechanisms of the interwoven structure of the textile. Particularly under constrained forming conditions, induced e.g. by blank holders or by adjacent metal layers in fiber-metal-laminate (FML) forming, the multiaxial stress states may include in-plane compression. A hyperelastic, invariant-based constitutive model has been proposed in previous work to consider such biaxial and normal-shear coupling for both positive and also negative strains. In the present work, this constitutive model is applied to forming simulation at component scale to investigate the significance of individual coupling aspects for the prediction of the forming behavior under different multiaxial stress states. For that purpose, FMLs and pure fabric laminates are formed to a tetrahedron geometry. In a comparative simulation study, the individual strain couplings of the invariant-based material model are differently activated or suppressed. The simulation results reveal that biaxial coupling has a significant effect on the draping behavior, if the draping is partially constrained. In contrast, the coupling effects are much smaller for free draping conditions.
Hyperelastic, Invariant-Based, Constitutive Modeling, Multiaxial Coupling
Published online 4/19/2023, 10 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA
Citation: KÄRGER Luise, SCHÄFER Florian, WERNER Henrik O., Modeling multiaxial stress states in forming simulation of woven fabrics, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 28, pp 357-366, 2023
The article was published as article 39 of the book Material Forming
Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
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