Analysis of temperature effect on strength and microstructure in friction induced recycling process (FIRP)

Analysis of temperature effect on strength and microstructure in friction induced recycling process (FIRP)


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Abstract. In order to reduce global energy consumption in production and industry along with the associated CO2 emissions, existing resources must be used more efficiently. This includes the energy-efficient and comprehensive recycling of a wide range of metals. Especially for the production of aluminium, there is a large potential for saving energy using efficient recycling processes. With regard to the recycling of aluminium studies have shown that solid-state recycling processes are significantly more efficient considering the used energy and resources compared to the conventional, smelting-metallurgical recycling process. In this paper, the direct and energy-efficient friction-induced recycling process (FIRP) based on the conform process is further described and analysed in terms of the temperature-property relationships. For this purpose, the influence of the processing temperature on the microstructure and properties of the recycled semi-finished products is investigated using the toll system that enables an ECAP forming. Specific sections of the (in theory) infinite, recycled semi-finished product are taken and analysed at different process temperatures of the solid state recycling process. Based on these sections, the properties in terms of mechanical hardness, strength, ductility and grain size are analysed and a degressive relationship between process temperature and mechanical hardness up to a temperature of 270 °C can be shown. Applying the Hall-Petch relationship, it is analysed whether there is a correlation between the strength and the microstructure in the form of the grain size.

Recycling, Aluminium, Friction-Induced, Energy Efficiency

Published online 4/19/2023, 10 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: BORGERT Thomas, HOMBERG Werner, Analysis of temperature effect on strength and microstructure in friction induced recycling process (FIRP), Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 28, pp 1957-1966, 2023


The article was published as article 211 of the book Material Forming

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