Physics-informed machine learning in the determination of effective thermomechanical properties
download PDFAbstract. We determine the effective (macroscopic) thermoelastic properties of two-phase composites computationally. To this end, we use a physics-informed neural network (PINN)-mediated first-order two-scale periodic asymptotic homogenization framework. A diffuse interface formulation is used to remedy the lack of differentiability of property tensors at phase interfaces. Considering the reliance on the standard integral solution for the property tensors on only the gradient of the corresponding solutions, the emerging unit cell problems are solved up to a constant. In view of this and the exact imposition of the periodic boundary conditions, it is merely the corresponding differential equation that contributes to minimizing the loss. This way, the requirement of scaling individual loss contributions of different kinds is abolished. The developed framework is applied to a planar thermoelastic composite with a hexagonal unit cell with a circular inclusion by which we show that PINNs work successfully in the solution of the corresponding thermomechanical cell problems and, hence, the determination of corresponding effective properties.
PINNs, Computational Homogenization, Thermomechanics, Effective Properties
Published online 4/19/2023, 10 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA
Citation: SOYARSLAN Celal, PRADAS Marc, Physics-informed machine learning in the determination of effective thermomechanical properties, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 28, pp 1621-1630, 2023
The article was published as article 175 of the book Material Forming
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