Influence of mesh in modelling of flow forming process

Influence of mesh in modelling of flow forming process


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Abstract. Flow forming is an incremental bulk forming process used to produce tubular components from high-strength alloys. One of the features complicating its modelling is the small contact area of the workpiece with the tools. Taken along with cyclic non-monotonic loading from three rollers deforming the workpiece with complicated kinematics, this demands a very fine mesh and time step throughout the simulation. The typical approach of using a tetrahedral mesh with strain-based remeshing can introduce errors in the results due to the highly localized deformation and can also prolong the computation time. In the present study, in parallel to using tetrahedral mesh with remeshing, two different approaches of hexahedral mesh without any remeshing were also modelled for the workpiece, retaining all the other setup parameters, and the results compared. In both cases, local mesh adaptations were used to ensure a very fine mesh in the zone of contact with the rollers. Results from the simulations clearly showed that the key outputs such as stress state parameters (triaxiality and Lode stress parameters) and plastic strain values were very sensitive to the mesh and remeshing method used and careful consideration is required before employing the outputs for further analysis.

Incremental Bulk Forming, Flow Forming, Meshing, Coarse Meshing

Published online 4/19/2023, 10 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: KRISHNAMURTHY Bhaskaran, SHITIKOV Andrei A., BLACKWELL Paul, BYLYA Olga, Influence of mesh in modelling of flow forming process, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 28, pp 1583-1592, 2023


The article was published as article 171 of the book Material Forming

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