Fused filament fabrication: Numerical adhesion modeling suitable for semicrystalline polymers
BENARBIA Adel, SOBOTKA Vincent, BOYARD Nicolas, ROUA Christophe
download PDFAbstract. Numerous studies have been conducted to improve the adhesion quality at the interface between the filaments which remains one of the weak points in the FFF process. The interfacial adhesion of printed parts has already been investigated by several authors for amorphous polymers. However, for semicrystalline polymers, the influence of crystallization on adhesion kinetics as well as the description of partial melting at interfaces between filaments are not well taken into account in the models describing FFF process. The purpose of this work consists of proposing a predictive multiphysics model that enables the prediction of the adhesion degree for semi-crystalline polymers during FFF process. The coupling of a crystallization and melting model allows the estimation of the crystalline degree evolution at the interface. The use of a recent model predicting the molecular mobility as a function of temperature and crystallization makes it possible to estimate the degree of healing in anisothermal conditions. Finally, a parametric study is performed in order to propose process window improving the adhesion quality.
Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), Heat Transfer, Adhesion, Interfacial Bonding, Crystallization, Phase Transformation, Semicrystalline Polymer, Numerical Simulation
Published online 4/19/2023, 10 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA
Citation: BENARBIA Adel, SOBOTKA Vincent, BOYARD Nicolas, ROUA Christophe, Fused filament fabrication: Numerical adhesion modeling suitable for semicrystalline polymers, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 28, pp 139-148, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644902479-16
The article was published as article 16 of the book Material Forming
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