Quantitative characterisation of acoustic emission source for composite failure mechanism under quasi-static three-point bending

Quantitative characterisation of acoustic emission source for composite failure mechanism under quasi-static three-point bending

Sze Kai Low, Benjamin Steven Vien, Nik Rajic, Cedric Rosalier, Francis Rose, Wing Kong Chiu

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Abstract. Fibre reinforced composites have been discovered to have superior material properties compared to traditional materials. However, composite structures do have weaknesses which is highly susceptible to damage from accidental impacts. Passive approaches have gained popularity in recent years as these can be implemented using less structurally and electrically obtrusive sensor installations. The fundamental hypothesis is that every distinct impact event has a unique modal signature that can be exploited to distinguish between damaging and nondamaging impacts, and to characterize the severity of damage. Preliminary research showed that the possibility to determine the progressive failure mechanism in composite specimens subjected to three-point bending. Each failure mechanisms have its corresponding frequency bandwidth, and it can be seen by plotting the spectrogram of time-frequency analysis. However, the limitation of time-frequency analysis for identifying failure modes arises from the fact that there can be a confluence of modes having more-or-less the same group velocity hence, having the same arrival time in a time-frequency plot for a given frequency. This overlap makes it problematic to identify modes unambiguously from a time-frequency analysis. The modes can be more clearly separated on the basis of dispersion curves obtained in the frequency-wavenumber space. This information paves way to the idea of developing a modal sensor that is capable of providing experimentally determined dispersion curves that can be expected to lead to a quantum advance in capability for modal identification, and hence for determining a far more accurate modal signature for various acoustic emission events.

Structural Health Monitoring, Three-Point Bending, Composite Structures, Acoustic Emission

Published online 3/30/2023, 8 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Sze Kai Low, Benjamin Steven Vien, Nik Rajic, Cedric Rosalier, Francis Rose, Wing Kong Chiu, Quantitative characterisation of acoustic emission source for composite failure mechanism under quasi-static three-point bending, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 27, pp 199-206, 2023

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644902455-25

The article was published as article 25 of the book Structural Health Monitoring

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