Pure compressive solutions for masonry domes under gravity loads
Arsenio Cutolo, Enrico Babilio, Ida Mascolo,, Elio Sacco
download PDFAbstract. In recent years, efforts have been made to compare equilibrium solutions of masonry domes obtained through different methods. The research summarized in the present paper focuses on the evaluation of the equilibrium of masonry domes in the context of the classical membrane theory, in comparison with more sophisticated finite element models. In particular, we consider solutions, with vanishing tensile stresses, for domes under gravity loads. The equilibrium problem is traced back to the equilibrium of a thrust surface under the assumption of no-tension material in the sense of Heyman (i.e., no tensile strength, infinite resistance in compression, and no slide along fracture lines). A finite difference discretization of the equilibrium equation is proposed and the obtained solution is compared with results from a nonlinear finite element analysis. The good agreement of the results shows that both finite difference and finite element approaches represent reasonable and reliable alternative tools.
Dome, No-Tension Material, Membrane Equilibrium Problem, Thrust Surface Analysis, Finite Element Method
Published online 3/17/2022, 6 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA
Citation: Arsenio Cutolo, Enrico Babilio, Ida Mascolo,, Elio Sacco, Pure compressive solutions for masonry domes under gravity loads, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 26, pp 361-366, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644902431-59
The article was published as article 59 of the book Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
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