Structural designs that required thinking

Structural designs that required thinking

Federico Bosetti, Massimo Maffeis, Gianni Royer-Carfagni

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Abstract. We discussed the peculiarities of three structural projects. The El Ferdan swing bridge over the Suez Canal, the longest in the world, required the optimization of structural weight and deflection, pursed with genetic algorithms. The Museum of the Future in Dubai, is supported by a single-layer steel gridshell following a pseudo-toroidal double-curvature surface, which required the optimization of a great number of diagrid nodes, parametrically designed with a custom tool. The competition-winner project for the new Stadio Milano follows the vision of a Gothic Cathedral with slender buttresses, tall multi-storey arched frames, all covered by a first-class cable-supported glazed facade, which fulfils the clean “glass-box” architectural intent. Although very sophisticated calculation tools are available, these experiences suggest that the human contribution of the structural engineer is still, at least for now, of paramount importance.

Structural Engineering, Genetic Optimization, Parametric Design

Published online 3/17/2022, 6 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Federico Bosetti, Massimo Maffeis, Gianni Royer-Carfagni, Structural designs that required thinking, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 26, pp 103-108, 2023


The article was published as article 17 of the book Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

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