Ethics of Nanomedicine


Ethics of Nanomedicine

Ineke Malsch

Nanomedicine is the application of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies in healthcare. Nanomedicine is a key enabler of e.g., mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, and enables digital twins, organ on chip and wearables. Introducing nanomaterials in the body in pharmaceuticals or implants raises nanosafety issues. Ethical impacts of nanomedicine are e.g., related to freedom, equality, data protection, and biosecurity. Researchers should contribute to Responsible Research and Innovation together with governments and other stakeholders. The principles of inclusiveness, anticipation, openness and responsiveness are leading.

Nanomedicine, Ethics, Responsible Research and Innovation, Nanosafety

Published online , 15 pages

Citation: Ineke Malsch, Ethics of Nanomedicine, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 145, pp 311-325, 2023


Part of the book on Nanobiomaterials

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