Montmorillonite-Cellulose based Nano-Composites and Applications


Montmorillonite-Cellulose based Nano-Composites and Applications

Purnima Baruah, Debajyoti Mahanta

Exploration of different types of polymer-clay nanocomposites have already crossed several decades. In recent times, more emphasis is given in the research of different bio-based polymer nanocomposites as they exhibit eco-friendly biodegradable behavior and biocompatible features. Cellulose is the most copiously available bio-macromolecule with interesting functional, chemical, mechanical and biological properties. Incorporation of montmorillonite clay as nanofillers into cellulose matrix results in significant modification and reinforcement in various properties of the polymer enlarging its applicability. This chapter brings forth a concise account on the development of different montmorillonite-cellulose based nano-composites as prospective materials for multiple biomedical and engineering applications.

Cellulose, Montmorillonite, Nanocomposites, Biodegradable, Wound-Healing, Bioplastic, Flame-Retardant

Published online 6/2/2022, 21 pages

Citation: Purnima Baruah, Debajyoti Mahanta, Montmorillonite-Cellulose based Nano-Composites and Applications, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 125, pp 302-322, 2022


Part of the book on Advanced Applications of Micro and Nano Clay

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