The Role of Advanced Polymers in Surgery & Medical Devices


The Role of Advanced Polymers in Surgery & Medical Devices

Anupama Rajput, Anamika Debnath

Polymers find a variety of applications in our day-to-day life. A wide range of synthetic polymers which have become a part of our daily life. Synthetic resin has a variety of applications in our life. Synthetic polymers are uses in craft and biomedical and surgical operation. Medical devices include simple devices; test equipment and implants. Polymers of different types are used extensively in these devices, for weight, cost, and performance benefits. The chapter focuses on some advanced polymers like resin, copolymers and thermoplastics which are therefore used in different fields like medical or surgical in large scale on the basis of structure activity relationship. Advanced polymeric materials and biodegradable polymers and their application in surgical devices were also discussed.

Medical Devices, Advanced Polymers, Thermo Plastics, Pacemakers

Published online 4/20/2022, 24 pages

Citation: Anupama Rajput, Anamika Debnath, The Role of Advanced Polymers in Surgery & Medical Devices, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 123, pp 30-52, 2022


Part of the book on Applications of Polymers in Surgery

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