Microstructure Characteristics of Cellulose Fibers in Cement Paste and Concrete – A Review
Syed Habibunnisa, Ruben Nerella and Madduru Sri Rama Chand
This paper explores, present scenario of using natural fibers in concrete, which are having high cellulose content. Cellulose fibers contribute the development of high-quality fiber-reinforced cement composites. In recent days natural fibers attracting many researchers due to its low cost and being largely available in nature with the comparison of artificial fibers. These are accessible in the fibrous formation and extracted from seed pods, herbal leaves, which are become trustful over the regular fibers. Sometimes construction industries also use natural plant cellulose fibers as a secondary raw material. These seem to be a good alternative resource for eco-friendly materials that can be replace the synthetic polymeric fibers. The author aim is to discuss the microstructure of concrete reinforced with cellulose fibers shows a possessive characteristic of good tensile strength and bond properties.
Cellulose Fibers, Eco-Friendly, Polymeric Fibers, Mortar, Composites, Fibrous
Published online 4/10/2022, 14 pages
Citation: Syed Habibunnisa, Ruben Nerella and Madduru Sri Rama Chand, Microstructure Characteristics of Cellulose Fibers in Cement Paste and Concrete – A Review, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 122, pp 96-109, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644901854-4
Part of the book on Sustainable Natural Fiber Composites
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