Algorithm Synthesis of Controlling a Transport Unit of a Coextrusion Flexible Manufacturing Section for Processing Multicomponent Materials

Algorithm Synthesis of Controlling a Transport Unit of a Coextrusion Flexible Manufacturing Section for Processing Multicomponent Materials

Valery V. Dyadichev, Sergey S. Stoyanchenko, Roman L. Plomodyalo, Aleksandr V. Dyadichev

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Abstract. The paper offers a mathematical model of the process of coextrusion flexible manufacturing section functioning. On the basis of dynamic programming method an algorithm of controlling transport unit of coextrusion flexible manufacturing system is developed. The objective of the current research is the development of the mathematical model of the flexible manufacturing complex for processing multicomponent materials functioning process, and construction of the algorithm of controlling a transport unit of a coextrusion flexible manufacturing complex for processing multicomponent materials on this basis. The paper offers the criterion of evaluating the quality of controlling the transport unit. The chosen variant of controlling the transport unit has to meet many requirements. This paper con-siders the issues connected with the search for an optimum algorithm of control-ling a transport unit according to the set criterion. Most works offer analytical models which are based on the assumption of the current processes’ stability. Real manufacturing conditions are characterized by the effect of numerous perturbing factors. Under such conditions the assumption of the current processes’ stability makes the obtained models almost untrue.

Algorithm, Mixture of Materials, Dosing Device, Multicomponent Materials, Synthesis, Coextrusion Manufacturing Section

Published online 1/5/2022, 6 pages
Copyright © 2022 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Valery V. Dyadichev, Sergey S. Stoyanchenko, Roman L. Plomodyalo, Aleksandr V. Dyadichev, Algorithm Synthesis of Controlling a Transport Unit of a Coextrusion Flexible Manufacturing Section for Processing Multicomponent Materials, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 21, pp 298-303, 2022


The article was published as article 53 of the book Modern Trends in Manufacturing Technologies and Equipment

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