Tool Bits with Elastic Damping Inserted Elements Formed by Semi-Inserts with Different Rigidity

Tool Bits with Elastic Damping Inserted Elements Formed by Semi-Inserts with Different Rigidity

Sergey G. Novikov, Vitaliy V. Malykhin, Sergey A. Chevychelov, Fedor V. Novikov

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Abstract. Vibration during turning is a consequence of premature tool wear and an increase in the roughness of parts. The designs of tool bits that increase their durability, reduce vibrations arising during the cutting process, and improve the quality of processing are of practical and scientific interest. Existing developments of vibration-damping bits with elastic damping inserts of constant rigidity, in which a holder or mandrel with a cut-off insert is installed, do not meet the requirements for the efficiency of vibration reduction due to the impossibility of the necessary vibration damping; the consumption of insert materials is high. Innovative designs of tool bits with inserts formed by semi-inserts with different rigidity are proposed, which allows improving the quality of processing by increasing the efficiency of vibration damping, reducing material consumption, because the length of the semi-inserts is less than half the length of the full insert. The tool bits can be used in the area of cutting materials, mechanical engineering and tool manufacturing.

Tool Bit, Holder, Vibration, Impact Load, Damping Semi-Inserts, Semi-Inserts Rigidity

Published online 1/5/2022, 5 pages
Copyright © 2022 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Sergey G. Novikov, Vitaliy V. Malykhin, Sergey A. Chevychelov, Fedor V. Novikov, Tool Bits with Elastic Damping Inserted Elements Formed by Semi-Inserts with Different Rigidity, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 21, pp 189-193, 2022


The article was published as article 33 of the book Modern Trends in Manufacturing Technologies and Equipment

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