A Newly Discovered Relation between the Critical Resolved Shear Stress and the Fatigue Endurance Limit for Metallic Materials


A Newly Discovered Relation between the Critical Resolved Shear Stress and the Fatigue Endurance Limit for Metallic Materials

M. Mlikota, S. Schmauder

The chapter introduces a valuable new description of fatigue strength in relation to material properties and thus a new perspective on the overall understanding of the fatigue process. Namely, a relation between the endurance limits and the accompanying values of the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) for various metallic materials has been discovered by means of a multiscale approach for fatigue simulation. Based on the uniqueness of the relation, there is a strong indication that it is feasible to relate the endurance limit to the CRSS and not to the ultimate strength, as often done in the past.

Multiscale Simulation, Fatigue, Metals, CRSS, Endurance Limit

Published online , 17 pages

Citation: M. Mlikota, S. Schmauder, A Newly Discovered Relation between the Critical Resolved Shear Stress and the Fatigue Endurance Limit for Metallic Materials, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 114, pp 66-82, 2022

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644901656-4

Part of the book on Multiscale Fatigue Modelling of Metals

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