Polymeric Membranes for O2/N2 Separation


Polymeric Membranes for O2/N2 Separation

Ragib Shakil, Yeasin Arafat Tarek, Mahamudul Hasan Rumon, Chanchal Kumar Roy, Al-Nakib Chowdhury, Rasel Das

Over the last few decades, polymeric membranes-based O2/N2 separation techniques have been progressed from a laboratory curiosity to a commercial reality. These membranes show various advantages i.e., low energy consumption and cost, compared to the other conventional methods for O2 and N2 separation. These benefits generate a great deal of interest in industry and academia to accelerate the commercial feasibility of polymeric membranes for O2/N2 separation. For this, various materials have been developed in order to enhance both O2 permeability and O2/N2 selectivity of the polymeric membranes. In this chapter, the recent development of various polymeric membranes, including a different polymer matrix and polymer inorganic composite for O2/N2 separation, is discussed.

Membrane Technology, Polymeric Membrane, O2/N2 Separation, Gas Separation, Selectivity and Permeability

Published online , 32 pages

Citation: Ragib Shakil, Yeasin Arafat Tarek, Mahamudul Hasan Rumon, Chanchal Kumar Roy, Al-Nakib Chowdhury, Rasel Das, Polymeric Membranes for O2/N2 Separation, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 113, pp 171-202, 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644901632-6

Part of the book on Polymeric Membranes for Water Purification and Gas Separation

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