Aerogels as Pesticides


Aerogels as Pesticides

Sajjad Ali, Waseem Akram, Asif Sajjad, Qaiser Shakeel, Muhammad Irfan Ullah

Aerogels, composed of complex network of interlinked nanostructures, show 50% non-solid volume. Due to their unique properties, they are used as a carrier for active ingredients used to control agricultural pests as well as veterinary medicines. They can also be used as a carrier material for the application of entomopathogenic bacteria and viruses for the biological control of pests. Many aerogel-based formulations of herbicides, insecticides, acaricides, fungicides, bactericides, rodenticides, nematicides, piscicides and molluscicides effectively control the target pests. Practically, aerogels enhance the effectiveness of insecticides by increasing their penetrations. Furthermore, intensive research is required to develop latest aerogel-based pesticides with better utilization under effective integrated pest management programs in agriculture.

Aerogels, Pesticides, Integrated Pest Management, Formulations, Pest Control

Published online 2/25/2021, 15 pages

Citation: Sajjad Ali, Waseem Akram, Asif Sajjad, Qaiser Shakeel, Muhammad Irfan Ullah, Aerogels as Pesticides, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 98, pp 168-182, 2021


Part of the book on Aerogels II

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