Fabrication Approaches for Graphene in Supercapacitors
Riya Thomas, B. Manoj
Supercapacitors are promising candidates with tremendous potential to replace conventional batteries because of their remarkable properties. The exceptional physical, mechanical and chemical features of 2D materials, such as graphene help to utilize the close relationship between the structure and its functional properties to deliver a high performance supercapacitor. The possibilities are vast, if a compatible synthesis route for graphene is feasible. In this chapter, the synthesis approach for graphene, outcomes and challenges involved are discussed.
Fabrication, Electric Double Layer Capacitor, Advanced Electrode, Energy Storage, Energy Conversion, Free-Standing Graphene
Published online 12/1/2020, 24 pages
Citation: Riya Thomas, B. Manoj, Fabrication Approaches for Graphene in Supercapacitors, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 64, pp 1-24, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644900550-1
Part of the book on Graphene as Energy Storage Material for Supercapacitors
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