Organic Bioelectronic Transistors: From Fundamental Investigation of Bio-Interfaces to Highly Performing Biosensors


Organic Bioelectronic Transistors: From Fundamental Investigation of Bio-Interfaces to Highly Performing Biosensors

Eleonora Macchia, Rosaria A. Picca, Angelo Tricase, Cinzia Di Franco, Antonia Mallardi, Nicola Cioffi, Gaetano Scamarcio, Gerardo Palazzo, Luisa Torsi

Interfacing biomaterials to electronic devices is one of most challenging research field that has relevance for both fundamental studies and for the development of highly performing biosensors. Important aspects connected to electronic biosensors are discussed. In this chapter different electronic biosensors based on field effect transistors, including the Functional Bio-Interlayer sensing platform, are presented. Particular attention is paid to the biosensors operation mechanism and to its reflect on the device analytical figure of merits. The main features of thermodynamic of ligand–bioreceptor interaction confined at solid–liquid interfaces along with the strategies for biomolecule deposition on the biosensors transducer surface are presented.

Organic Transistors, Biosensors, Surface Confined Proteins, Functional Bio-Interlayers, Analytical Bioassay, Electronic Bio-Detection

Published online 9/20/2019, 70 pages

Citation: Eleonora Macchia, Rosaria A. Picca, Angelo Tricase, Cinzia Di Franco, Antonia Mallardi, Nicola Cioffi, Gaetano Scamarcio, Gerardo Palazzo, Luisa Torsi, Organic Bioelectronic Transistors: From Fundamental Investigation of Bio-Interfaces to Highly Performing Biosensors, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 56, pp 1-70, 2019


Part of the book on Organic Bioelectronics for Life Science and Healthcare

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