Use of Carbon-Nanotube Based Materials in Microbial Fuel Cells


Use of Carbon-Nanotube Based Materials in Microbial Fuel Cells

Hakan Burhan, Gazi Yilmaz, Ahmet Zeytun, Harbi Calimli, Fatih Sen

Today, carbon nanotubes are extensively used for energy suppy in electrical devices due to their specific mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties. Additionally, carbon nanotubes are widely used in microbial fuel cells which provide zero carbon emission in energy supply. Carbon nanotube-based materials have good electrochemical properties for the microbial fuel cells. Also, the use of carbon nanotube-based composites in the design of microbial fuel cells is very important in a large area of application from medical devices to scaled power generation. For this purpose, in this chapter, microbial fuel cells formed by carbon nanotube-based composites were evaluated by using microbial fuel cells and the effects of microbial fuel cells.

Carbon-Based Materials, Electrochemistry, Fuel Cells, Nanomaterial, Nanotechnology

Published online 2/21/2019, 26 pages

Citation: Hakan Burhan, Gazi Yilmaz, Ahmet Zeytun, Harbi Calimli, Fatih Sen, Use of Carbon-Nanotube Based Materials in Microbial Fuel Cells, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 46, pp 151-176, 2019


Part of the book on Microbial Fuel Cells

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