Paper-Based Microbial Fuel Cell


Paper-Based Microbial Fuel Cell

Suruchee Samparnna Mishra, Swaraj Mohanty, Sonali Mohapatra

Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are devices that convert organic substances into electrical energy with the help of microorganisms. The MFCs are advantageous in an industrial perspective as these can utilize a wide range of substrates. Hence, paper-based MFCs are a promising alternative for bioelectricity generation which can act ideally even without much effort by the operator and can produce efficient power even after just being plummeted onto the liquid solution containing organic matter. Further, the wide-scale applicability of paper-based MFCs along with their cost-effective features has made the device an important ration in the present industrial based energy sector.

Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC), Exoelectrogens, Membranes, Electricity

Published online 2/21/2019, 24 pages

Citation: Suruchee Samparnna Mishra, Swaraj Mohanty, Sonali Mohapatra, Paper-Based Microbial Fuel Cell, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 46, pp 101-124, 2019


Part of the book on Microbial Fuel Cells

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