Martensitic Structural Transformations of Fluorographene Polymorphic Varieties
Maxim E. Belenkov, Vladimir M. Chernov, Evgeny A. Belenkov
Abstract. The structure and energy characteristics of the five main structural varieties of fluorographene were calculated by the methods of the density functional theory in the generalised gradient approximation. It was established that the structural type of T1 has maximum sublimation energy. Other polymorphic varieties of fluorographene T2‒T5 can be converted into a T1 structure under uniaxial stretching of layers. Such structural transformations of fluorographene layers are similar to martensitic phase transitions.
Graphene, Fluorographene, Polymorphism, Phase Transitions, Modeling
Published online 11/15/2018, 4 pages
Copyright © 2018 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA
Citation: Maxim E. Belenkov, Vladimir M. Chernov, Evgeny A. Belenkov, ‘Martensitic Structural Transformations of Fluorographene Polymorphic Varieties’, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 9, pp 148-151, 2018
The article was published as article 28 of the book Shape Memory Alloys
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