Multicaloric Effect and Magnetoelectric Coupling in Fe48Rh52/PZT Composite
Ivan A. Starkov, Abdulkarim A. Amirov, Alexander S. Starkov
Abstract. The multicaloric effect on the example of Fe48Rh52/PZT multiferroic composite was theoretically studied based on experimental results. The interrelation between multicaloric and magnetoelectric effect around metamagnetic phase transition in 315 K was observed. The calculations were carried out using generalized matrix averaging method.
Multiferroics, Composites, Magnetoelectric Effect, Magnetocaloric Effect, Multicaloric Effect
Published online 11/15/2018, 5 pages
Copyright © 2018 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA
Citation: Ivan A. Starkov, Abdulkarim A. Amirov, Alexander S. Starkov, ‘Multicaloric Effect and Magnetoelectric Coupling in Fe48Rh52/PZT Composite’, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 9, pp 131-135, 2018
The article was published as article 24 of the book Shape Memory Alloys
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