Materials Research Foundations / MRF

Volume 172: Applications of Polymers in Surgery II
The present book explores the diverse applications of polymers in advanced medical surgery.

Volume 171: Advances in Healthcare and Nanoparticle Toxicology
The capacity of nanoparticles to interact with biological systems at the molecular and cellular levels.

Volume 170: Emerging Materials for Next Frontier Energy and Environment Applications
This book focuses on photocatalysis in environment, electrode materials, and remediation hydrogen generation and storage.

Volume 169: Green Synthesis and Emerging Applications of Frontier Nanomaterials
Covering eco-friendly synthesis, characterization and potential application of various advanced nanomaterials.

Volume 168: The Strength-Ductility Paradox
The book reviews the strength-ductility paradox in a wide range of materials, and the range of mechanisms involved. The book references 119 original resources with their direct web links for in-depth reading.

Volume 167: Superhydrophobic Metal Surfaces
The book covers the ways in which superhydrophobicity has been imparted to metals.

Volume 166: Artificial Intelligence and Alloy Design
The development of novel materials can be greatly accelerated by Artificial Intelligence based on high-throughput automatic computation and data-mining of material databases.

Volume 164: Rare Earth
This monograph represents a tribute to the late Prof. Karl Gschneidner, well known as “Mr. Rare Earth”.

Volume 163: Third Generation Photovoltaic Technology
This book focuses on dye-sensitized solar cells, polymer/organic solar cells, copper/zinc/tin sulfide thin film cells, quantum dot solar cells and perovskite-based solar cells.

Volume 165: Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Production: Catalysts and Applications
The book presents the fundamental principles, materials, and strategies involved in the design and development of catalysts for electrocatalytic hydrogen production.

Volume 162: Thermoelectric Polymers
The book presents recent developments in the field of thermoelectric polymers and polymer composites.

Volume 161: Nanoparticle Toxicity and Compatibility
The book focuses on the interplay between nanoparticles and biological systems.

Volume 160: Nanoparticles in Healthcare
The book covers the use of nanoparticles in therapeutics, diagnostics, and drug delivery.

Volume 159: Thermoelastic Fracture Mechanics
The book deals with the thermal and mechanical fracture of functionally graded materials on homogeneous substrate (FGM/H) structures.

Volume 158: Novel Approaches in Materials and Technologies for Building Construction
The book discusses the latest developments in the area of building constructions.

Volume 157: Laser Cladding for Restoring and Increasing the Durability of Railway Wheels
The book analyses the design features of railway wheel pairs and investigates methods for increasing the durability of these wheels.

Volume 156: Nonlinear Effects in Model Lattices of Metals
The book presents an overview of nonlinear effects arising in discrete lattices of metals.

Volume 155: Recent Advances and Allied Applications of Mxenes
This book is intended to present the latest applicational advancements of MXenes in diversified sectors.

Volume 154: Topological Insulators
This book on topological insulators is intended to provide the readers with an understanding of the needs and application of such materials.

Volume 153: Physics of Strain Hardening of Structural Steels
The book reviews new research in the area of deformation mechanisms of structural steels and the possibilities to control the process of strain hardening.

Volume 152: Directed Synthesis
Structure-directed synthesis aims at the design and preparation of novel solid-state structures.

Volume 151: Perovskite based Materials for Energy Storage Devices
Perovskite supercapacitors have a promising future in the area of energy storage; due to their superior optoelectronic characteristics, simple device construction and increased efficiency.

Volume 150: Technologies for Plasma Renovation of the Phase Structure of Substandard Turbine Blades of CHP
The book contains a comprehensive and interdisciplinary study in the field of plasma recovery of substandard CHP (Combined Heat and Power) turbine blades.

Volume 149: New Materials for a Circular Economy
This book discusses new ways of production, management, recycling and conversion of new and regular materials.

Volume 148: Applications of Emerging Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology
The book reviews recent developments in the field of nanomaterials science and technology.

Volume 147: Application of Artificial Intelligence in New Materials Discovery
The book is concerned with the use of Artificial Intelligence in the discovery, production and application of new engineering materials.

Volume 146: ZnO and Their Hybrid Nano-Structures
ZnO and its hybrid nanostructures have unique optical, physical and chemical properties. The book covers recent trends in processing techniques and applications.

Volume 145: Nanobiomaterials
The book provides a comprehensive overview of the synthesis, characterization and potential applications of nanobiomaterials.

Volume 144: Ensuring the Durability of Oil-Producing Pumps Through the Use of Laser Spraying Technology
The book focuses on the causes of failures of oil producing pumps as a result of the aggressive action of the oil-producing environment.

Volume 143: Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications
Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) have many applications in the biomedical field because of their non-toxicity, high chemical stability, and biocompatibility.

Volume 142: An Introduction to Hard Ferrites
Due to their excellent magnetic characteristics, hard ferrites have many high-tech applications.

Volume 141: Emerging Applications of Nanomaterials
This book reviews new advances in the field of nanomaterials; their synthesis, characterization, and applications.

Volume 140: Multiferroic Materials
The magnetoelectric properties of multiferroic materials have a high potential for applications in the fields of data storage, spin valves, spintronics, memories, sensors and microelectronic devices.

Volume 139: Transition Metal Doped Spintronics Materials
The book presents new research on the synthesis and characterization of various oxide based dilute magnetic spintronics materials (ODMS).

Volume 138: The Boron Arsenides
Boron Arsenide offers very interesting electronic properties, as well as a high thermal conductivity; nearly 10 times higher than that of silicon.

Volume 137: Ion Exchange Resins
The book focuses on the applications of ion exchange resins in processes.

Volume 136: Characterization of Ceramic-Ferrite Magneto-Electric Composites
Magneto-electric ceramic composites are important materials for designing new microwave sensors.

Volume 135: Emerging Nanomaterials and Their Impact on Society in the 21st Century
The book covers the synthesis, classification, characterization, applications and historical background of nanomaterials in various sectors.

Volume 134: 3D Concrete Printing Technology
The book presents a detailed comparison between traditional construction techniques and 3D printing construction.

Volume 133: Metallurgy of Lightweighting
The book review ways to reducing the weight of vehicles; a process known as lightweighting.

Volume 132: Superconductors
The book presents the current status of superconductor science and technology.

Volume 131: Advanced Functional Piezoelectric Materials and Applications
The book reviews our current knowledge of piezoelectric materials, including their history, developments, properties, process design, and technical applications.

Volume 130: Effect of Fly Ash on the Physical Properties of Illite-Based Ceramics
The book investigates the potential use of fly ash as a secondary raw material.

Volume 129: Advanced Applications of Micro and Nano Clay II
The book focuses on clay-based micro and nanocomposites with different synthetic polymers and presents their synthesis, characterization and testing.

Volume 128: Data-Mining and Intermetallic Property-Prediction
Using a computer-aided data mining approach and available experimental data bases, the author discusses the prediction of the structures and properties of intermetallic alloy compounds.

Volume 127: Multifunctional Concrete Technology
The book reviews production and applications of high- and ultrahigh strength multifunctional concrete.

Volume 126: Nanomaterial-Supported Enzymes
The book presents recent advances in the field of nanoenzymes and the immobilization of enzymes in nanomaterials

Volume 125: Advanced Applications of Micro and Nano Clay
Due to their characteristic properties, biodegradable nature and non-toxicity, clay-biopolymer based composites have many applications in such advanced fields as drug release, antimicrobial activities, etc.

Volume 124: Graphene Composite Supercapacitor Electrodes
Graphene supercapacitors, also called ultracapacitors or electrical double-layer capacitors, have increasingly begun to rival conventional batteries.

Volume 123: Applications of Polymers in Surgery
There is much interest in polymers as biomaterials for medical applications. The aim is to develop polymers with tailor made mechanical properties that exhibit good durability and biodegradation properties.

Volume 122: Sustainable Natural Fiber Composites
The book covers diverse topics on Sustainable Natural Fiber Composites.

Volume 121: Bioinspired Nanomaterials for Energy and Environmental Applications
The book presents recent advances in the synthesis of bioinspired nanomaterials and their applications in areas such as photocatalysis, electrocatalysis and photoelectrocatalysis, supercapacitors and solar cells.

Volume 120: Advanced Functional Membranes
The book reviews recent advances in the field and discusses challenges and perspectives.

Volume 119: Recycling of Rare Earths
The recycling of rare earth elements is one of the great challenges for establishing a green economy.

Volume 118: Advanced Metallic Biomaterials
The book presents the characterization and classification of metallic biomaterials; with focus on titanium-based alloys, cobalt-based alloys, stainless steels and biodegradable alloys.

Volume 117: Ceramics and Composites
The book presents a state-of-the-art survey of ceramics and composites.

Volume 116: A Compendium of Deformation-Mechanism Maps for Metals
The present book summarizes recent research results in the field of deformation-mechanism maps in metals.

Volume 115: Advanced Coatings for the Corrosion Protection of Metals
The book focuses on organic and inorganic coatings, metallic coatings and new methods for the deposition of protective thin layers.

Volume 114: Multiscale Fatigue Modelling of Metals
The book presents recent research regarding the multiscale modelling of metallic materials during different stages of fatigue.

Volume 113: Polymeric Membranes for Water Purification and Gas Separation
The book discusses various types of membranes for microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, forward osmosis etc.

Volume 112: Ferrite
Ferrites are highly interesting high-tech materials. The book covers their classification, structure, synthesis, properties and applications.

Volume 111: Bioinspired Nanomaterials
Biological synthesis employing microorganisms, fungi or plants is an alternative method to produce nanoparticles in low-cost and eco-friendly ways.

Volume 110: Digital Methods in Developing Textile Products for People with Locomotor Disabilities
This book focuses upon the design of garments for wheelchair-users by considering the shape of the body while in the sitting position, the needs of the user (functionality, fashionability, ease-of-use, affordability, safety), as well as the characteristics and properties of the materials used.

Volume 109: Alternative Concrete – Geopolymer Concrete
The general aim of this book is to make significant contributions in understanding and deciphering the mechanisms of the realization of the alkali-activated fly ash-based geopolymer concrete.

Volume 108: Advances in Bricks and Blocks for Building Construction
The book reviews the current state of bricks and blocks; their manufacture, properties and applications in the building construction sector.

Volume 107: Sustainable Corrosion Inhibitors
The book presents the current status of corrosion inhibitor technology. A special focus is placed on various types of green corrosion inhibitors and their applications.

Volume 106: Structure and Properties of Lengthy Rails after Extreme Long-Term Operation
The long-term operation of rails has been studied.

Volume 105: Automotive Brake Disc Materials
The book reviews the current status of vehicle brake disc materials and technology.

Volume 104: Semiconductor Materials and Modelling for Solar Cells
The book presents a comprehensive survey about advanced solar cell technologies.

Volume 103: Materials for Solar Cell Technologies II
The book presents current R&D and new trends in the field of solar cell technologies.

Volume 102: Advances in Wastewater Treatment II
The book reviews advanced methods of wastewater treatments.

Volume 101: Self-Healing Concrete
Self-healing techniques are most successful in preventing concrete from cracking or breaking. The book reviews the most promising methods.

Volume 100: Photocatalysis
This book on Photocatalysis discusses new materials and reaction engineering techniques, such as heterojunction formations, composites, ion exchangers, photocatalytic membranes, etc.

Volume 99: Degradation of Plastics
The book presents a comprehensive overview of the field of degradation of plastics.

Volume 98: Aerogels II
The book focuses on aerogels for biomedical applications, thermal insulation, energy storage, fuel cells, batteries and environmental remediation.

Volume 97: Mechanical Properties of MAX Phases
MAX Phase Materials are uniquely structured carbide and nitride materials which combine the rigidity, oxidation-resistance and high-temperature strength of ceramic materials.

Volume 96: Quantum Dots
The book provides a thorough survey of current research in quantum dots synthesis, properties, and applications.

Volume 95: Sulfur Dioxide Sensors
Recent progress on the sensing and monitoring of sulfur dioxide in the environment is presented.

Volume 94: Carbon Monoxide Sensing Technologies
The book covers the sensing and monitoring of poisonous carbon monoxide pollution in the environment.

Volume 93: Self-Propelled Janus Particles
Design and operation of Janus particles have a great potential for applications in fields such as environmental remediation, electronic engineering, bio-imaging, bio-sensing, drug delivery and other biomedical tasks.

Volume 92: Toxic Gas Sensors and Biosensors
The book focuses on novel sensor materials and their environmental and healthcare applications, such as NO2 detection, toxic gas and biosensing, hydrazine determination, glucose sensing and the detection of toxins and pollutants on surfaces.

Volume 91: Advances in Wastewater Treatment I
The book presents new materials and methods for waste water treatments.

Volume 90: Green Materials Obtained by Geopolymerization for a Sustainable Future
Geopolymerization techniques allow the conversion of industrial waste materials into environmentally friendly materials.

Volume 89: Phosphate Coatings Suitable for Personal Protective Equipment
Phosphate coatings can improve the corrosion resistance of carbon steel equipment such as carabiners.

Volume 88: Materials for Solar Cell Technologies I
The book reviews recent research and new trends in the area of solar cell materials. Topics include fabrication methods, solar cell design, energy efficiency and commercialization of next-generation materials.

Volume 87: Nanohybrids
The book covers preparation, designing and utilization of nanohybrid materials for biomedical applications. These materials can improve the effectiveness of drugs, promote high cell growth in new scaffolds, and lead to biodegradable surgical sutures.

Volume 86: Theory and Applications of Green Corrosion Inhibitors
The book presents theoretical insights, characterization tools and mechanisms of green corrosion inhibitors.

Volume 85: Metallic Glasses and Their Composites
The formation of metallic glasses and dual-phase composite/hybrid materials is reviewed, as well as the glass transition process and the resulting structural phenomena. These materials exhibit high strength, extreme hardness, good wear resistance and large elastic deformation.

Volume 84: Aerogels I
This book focuses on aerogels and their applications in such areas as energy storage, thermal storage, catalysis, water splitting and environmental remediation.

Volume 83: Magnetic Oxides and Composites II
This book focuses on the synthesis, characterization, and applications of various perovskites, garnets, manganites, carbon-based metal oxide nanocomposites, nanoferrites, and graphene-metal oxide nanocomposites.

Volume 82: Graphene-Based Electrochemical Sensors for Toxic Chemicals
The book presents recent progress on relevant topics: Toxicity of chemicals, importance of electrochemical sensors, different types of graphene-based nanomaterials, Neurotoxins and electroanalytical detection of toxic chemicals.

Volume 81: Magnetocaloric Effect in Perovskite Manganites
For environmental concerns, it is highly desirable to replace gas-based refrigeration by magnetic refrigeration. Magnetic refrigeration has significant advantages such as small volume, chemical stability, low cost, non-toxicity and not causing sound pollution.

Volume 80: Lithium-ion Batteries
The book reviews the fundamental concepts and recent advances in the areas of anodes, cathodes, electrolytes, separators, binders, fabrication of device assemblies and electrochemical performance.

Volume 79: Non-Electrolytic Water Splitting
The book focuses on the direct production of hydrogen, using solar energy. Photocatalytic water-splitting by exposing semiconductors to sunlight is one of the most promising routes.

Volume 78: Biomass Based Energy Storage Materials
The book presents an in-depth review of biomass-derived materials for energy storage technologies. Biomass is the most renewable and abundant carbon resource and has great potential for sustainable energy production.

Volume 77: Carbon-Capture by Metal-Organic Framework Materials
Metal-Organic Framework Materials (MOFs) are well suited for absorbing carbon dioxide. MOFs can form highly-porous structures with great adsorption capacities. The book references 295 original resources and includes their direct web link for in-depth reading.

Volume 76: Sodium-Ion Batteries
The book covers the fundamental principles and applications of sodium-ion batteries and reports experimental work on the use of electrolytes and different electrode materials, such as silicon, carbon, conducting polymers, and Mn- and Sn-based materials. Also discussed are state-of-the-art, future prospects and challenges in sodium-ion battery technology.

Volume 75: Lead Halide Perovskite Solar Cells
The present review focuses on the following topics: Power Conversion Efficiency; Electron Transport, Hole Transport and Interface Layers; Material Preparation; Cesium-Doped Lead-Halide Perovskites; Formamidinium-Doped Lead-Halide Perovskites; Methylammonium Lead-Halide Perovskites; Hysteresis, Stability and Toxicity Problems.

Volume 74: Titanium-Based Alloys for Biomedical Applications
The book presents the state-of-the-art of biomaterials used in the human body and reports new research on various Ti-based alloys with non-toxic elements (Mo, Zr, Ta, Si, Nb, etc.) aimed at improved mechanical properties, corrosion resistance and biocompatibility.

Volume 73: Advanced Applications of Polysaccharides and their Composites
Polysaccharides and their composites are highly promising materials for food, pharmaceutical and biomedical applications; including drug delivery, tissue engineering and packaging.

Volume 72: Detectors and Sources for THz and IR
IR and THz technologies are widely used in security screening and surveillance, astronomy, spectroscopy, biomedicine, food and package inspection, detection of concealed weapons, vision through camouflage, etc.

Volume 71: Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting
The book presents new cutting-edge research findings in this field. Subjects covered include fabrication and characteristics of various electrode materials, cell design and strategies for enhancing the properties of PEC electrode materials.

Volume 70: Liquid Metal Alloys in Electronics
Liquid gallium-based alloys are of rapidly increasing interest in electronics because they combine the high electrical conductivity of metals with the ease of manipulation and reconfiguration of liquids.

Volume 69: Advancing Silicon Carbide Electronics Technology II
The book presents an in-depth review and analysis of Silicon Carbide device processing.

Volume 68: Advanced Applications of Bio-degradable Green Composites
The book reports progress on the development of new biodegradable polymers, composites and nanocomposites for use in such areas as drug delivery, packaging, food and agricultural technology.

Volume 67: Additive Manufacturing of Metals
The book reviews the various techniques that are currently in use and describes the many possible applications.

Volume 66: Magnetochemistry
The book covers the entire spectrum of magnetic nanomaterials and their highly interesting properties.

Volume 65: A Comprehensive Method for Concrete Mix Design
A novel method of concrete mix design is presented. Tests with various constituent materials are reported in great detail.

Volume 64: Graphene as Energy Storage Material for Supercapacitors
A comprehensive review of graphene-based supercapacitor technology is presented. The book focusses on synthesis, characterization, fundamental properties and promising applications of graphene materials and various types of graphene-based composites.

Volume 63: Computer Modelling of Structural Transformations of Nanopores in Fcc Metals
The book focuses on the effects of shock waves on vacancies and their clusters in fcc crystals.

Volume 62: Innovative Materials and Techniques for Osteochondral Repair
The book presents research in treating focal joint cartilage defects.

Volume 61: Supercapacitor Technology
The book covers inorganic, organic and gel-polymer electrolytes, electrodes and separators used in different types of supercapacitors.

Volume 60: Heterostructural Interface Modelling
The book reviews recent experimental and theoretical research in the area of modelling new types of joints and predicting the expected properties.

Volume 59: Electrochemical Water Splitting
Aiming at the generation of hydrogen from water, electrochemical water splitting represents a promising clean technology for generating a renewable energy resource.

Volume 58: Metal-Organic Framework Composites
The book focuses on the following applications: gas capture and storage, especially molecular hydrogen storage; performance enhancement of Li-ion batteries; gas separation, nano-filtration, ionic sieving, water treatment, and catalysis, etc.

Volume 56: Organic Bioelectronics for Life Science and Healthcare
The book presents concrete examples and shows that there are lots of sensing targets still remaining to be handled.

Volume 57: Engineering Magnetic, Dielectric and Microwave Properties of Ceramics and Alloys
New research on the magnetic, dielectric and microwave properties of promising materials for domestic, industrial, military and medical applications are presented, with focus on biomaterials, ferrites, Ni-Fe alloys, capacitors, multiferroics, microwave absorbers and perovskite materials.

Volume 55: The Inverse Hall-Petch Problem
The book reviews the Hall-Petch law, one of the most useful equations of materials science, and the reverse or inverse Hall-Petch relation, which is particular important for controlling the strength of nanocrystalline materials.

Volume 54: Industrial Applications of Green Solvents
The book explores industrial applications of green solvents in industrially important areas such as oil extraction, sensors and biosensors, CO2 capture, etc.

Volume 53: Metal-Organic Framework Composites
The present book covers design, synthesis and preparation of various MOFs, as well as the resulting product characteristics: homogenous morphology, small size dispersion, high thermal stability and desired surface area.

Volume 52: Mechanochromism
The book Mechanochromism references 325 original resources and includes their direct web link for in-depth reading.

Volume 51: MXenes: Fundamentals and Applications
This is the very first book on the highly promising topic of MXenes; focusing on their fundamental characteristics and properties, fabrication techniques and applications.

Volume 50: Industrial Applications of Green Solvents
The book focuses on new applications of green solvents (water, ionic liquids, supercritical carbon dioxide, terpenes).

Volume 49: Nanomaterials for Alcohol Fuel Cells
The present book focuses on pertinent types of nanomaterial-based catalysts, membranes and supports for alcohol fuel cells.

Volume 48: Topological Semimetals
Topological semimetals are quantum materials that are not only extremely interesting from a theoretical point of view but also have a great potential for technological applications in which superconducting, semiconducting and other semimetal behaviors are involved.

Volume 47: Biosensors
This book presents recent developments in the field of biosensors and their applications in healthcare.

Volume 46: Microbial Fuel Cells
Microbial fuel cells are very promising as renewable energy sources. In addition to electricity generation, microbial fuel cells can be used for wastewater treatment, desalination and biofuel production. The book addresses characterization techniques and operating conditions of microbial fuel cells, as well as the usefulness of various types of anode and cathode materials.

Volume 45: Bonding by Self-Propagating Reaction
Bonding by Self-Propagating Reaction represents a highly promising approach for the joining of dissimilar materials in such fields as microelectronics, infrared sensors, micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), aerospace and nuclear industries, and surface engineering for chemical, mechanical and microsystems applications.

Volume 43: Transient Liquid Phase Bonding
The book presents a complete overview on the topic of Transient Liquid Phase Bonding (TLPB) which has many high-tech applications, ranging from the production and repair of turbine engines in the aerospace industry, to nuclear power plants and the connection of circuit lines in the microelectronics industry.

Volume 44: Enzymatic Fuel Cells
The book presents various aspects of biofuel cells including fuel cell electrochemistry, use of enzyme and enzyme immobilization techniques, use of materials such as mesoporous materials, graphene composites, conducting polymer composites and applications of biofuel cells.

Volume 42: Carbonaceous Composite Materials
All you need to know on current progress in the development, design and utilization of carbonaceous materials in such diverse areas as electronics, medical implants, drug delivery, clean energy, biofuel and pollution control.

Volume 41: Lead-free Piezo-Ceramic Solid Solutions
Discover in this book the results of a systematic investigation of the dielectric, ferroelectric and piezoelectric properties of promising lead-free solid solution ceramics.

Volume 40: Rhenium Disulfide
All you want to know about Rhenium disulfide in an easy to read condensed format. Rhenium disulfide especially in low-dimensional form, is a subject of lively research into its electronic and optical properties. The field of 2D materials such as graphene and its analogues has been growing very rapidly.

Volume 39: Modern Technologies of Thin Films Deposition
For one thing, the book presents research aimed at obtaining thin phosphate layers that offer good corrosion protection of finished parts. The other aim was to develop techniques that result in coatings with good lubricating properties, as they are required in plastic deformation processing.

Volume 38: Thermoset Composites
Characterization, design, specific properties and applications of thermoset composites are reported. These composites are presently in high demand because they can be shaped into many-sided segments and structures, and can have a great variety of densities and special physical and mechanical properties.

Volume 37: Advancing Silicon Carbide Electronics Technology I
The rapidly advancing Silicon Carbide technology has demonstrated a great potential in high-power low-loss semiconductor electronics. High thermal stability and outstanding chemical inertness make SiC an excellent material for development of high temperature electronics and semiconductor devices operating in harsh environment.

Volume 36: Innovations in Army Energy and Power Materials Technologies
This compendium reports fundamental science and engineering advances of the US Army Research Labratory (ARL) within the area of Energy and Power technologies.

Volume 35: Dilute Magnetic Semiconducting (DMS) Materials
This book presents an analysis of the charge density distribution and other properties of some silicon and germanium based diluted magnetic semiconductors.

Volume 34: Chitosan-Based Adsorbents for Wastewater Treatment
Chitosan is a natural amino polymer. It is eco-friendly, biocompatible, biodegradable, cost-effective, easily available and has high potential to be utilized as an adsorbent. Because of their excellent chelating power, chitosan-based adsorbents have a very high ability to bind pollutants present in contaminated water and wastewater.

Volume 33: Nanomaterials in Bio-Medical Applications
The book presents new results in the areas of nanomaterials, nanoparticles, ultra-small nanoparticles, plasmonic nanoparticles and coated nanoparticles for bio-medical applications.

Volume 32: Organic Pollutants in Wastewater II
Wastewater represents an alternative to freshwater if it can be treated successfully for re-use applications. Promising techniques involve photocatalysis, photodegradation, adsorption, bioreactors, nanocomposites, nanofiltration and membranes.

Volume 31: Magnetic Oxides and Composites
The book focuses on the relevant basic concepts of Magnetic oxides, as well as on synthesis routes and important applications of spinel ferrites, hexaferrites and magnetic oxide nanomaterials.

Volume 30: Structure Induced Anelasticity in Iron Intermetallic Compounds and Alloys
Different anelastic phenomena are discussed in this book with respect to iron-based binary and ternary alloys and intermetallic compounds of Fe3Me type, where Me are α-stabilizing elements Al, Ga, or Ge. An introduction into anelastic behavior of metallic materials is given, and methods of mechanical spectroscopy and neutron diffraction are introduced for the better understanding of structure-related relaxation and hysteretic phenomena.

Volume 29: Organic Pollutants in Wastewater I
Wastewater represents an alternative to freshwater if it can be treated successfully for re-use applications. Promising techniques involve photocatalysis, adsorption, nanocomposites, and membranes. The book focuses on several topics related to the removal of organic pollutants from wastewater.

Volume 28: Non-Linear Optical Materials
Non-linear optical materials have widespread and promising applications, but the efforts to understand the local structure, electron density distribution and bonding is still lacking. The present work explores the structural details, the electron density distribution and the local bond length distribution of some non-linear optical materials. It also gives estimation of the optical band gap, the particle size, crystallite size, and the elemental composition from UV-Visible analysis, SEM, XRD and EDS of some non-linear optical materials respectively.

Volume 27: Photocatalytic Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications
Photocatalytic nanomaterials have a great potential in such applications as reduction of carbon dioxide and degradation of various pollutants. They are equally important in the production and storage of energy, e.g. in the conversion of solar energy to electricity, and the production of hydrogen in photoelectrochemical cells.

Volume 26: Electrochemical Capacitors
Electrochemical capacitors are most important for the development of future energy storage systems and sustainable power sources. New superior hybrid supercapacitors are based on binary and ternary thin film nanocomposites involving carbon, metal oxides and polymeric materials. The synthesis of materials and fabrication of electrodes for supercapacitor applications is discussed in detail. The book also presents the fundamental theory and a thorough literature review of supercapacitors.

Volume 25: Titanate Based Ceramic Dielectric Materials
The book presents research results concerning the electron density distribution in a number of doped barium titanate ceramic materials using experimental X-ray diffraction data, UV-visible spectrophotometry (UV-vis), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The analysis of interatomic bonding and electron density distribution is important for predicting the properties of potentially important materials and has previously been lacking for the materials studied.

Volume 24: Nanocomposites for Electrochemical Capacitors
The book explores recent developments in the area of composite applications for supercapacitor electrodes based von conducting polymers, graphene, biomass, or carbonaceous quantum dots. Synthesis strategies of composite materials and electrode preparation methods are discussed in detail.

Volume 23: Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) Materials
Developing materials for SOFC applications is one of the key topics in energy research. The book focuses on manganite structured materials, such as doped lanthanum chromites and lanthanum manganites, which have interesting properties: thermal and chemical stability, mixed ionic and electrical conductivity, electrocatalytic activity, magnetocaloric property and colossal magnetoresistance (CMR).

Volume 22: Negative Thermal Expansion Materials
All you want to know about negative thermal expansion materials in an easy to read condensed format. The development of these negative thermal expansion materials has advanced rapidly during the past fifteen years. The present work is the most up-to-date summary of the current range of negative thermal expansion materials and of the associated mechanisms.

Volume 21: Smart Polymers and Composites
The present book reviews new research in the fields of composite green polymers for environmental applications, polyaniline based composites for wastewater treatment, smart polymeric coating materials, polymer decorated bimetallic nanosorbents for dye removal, fuel cell materials, polymeric membranes, green bio-nanocomposites and polymer based catalysts.

Volume 20: Inkjet Based 3D Additive Manufacturing of Metals
Particular emphasis is placed on 3D inkjet printing of metals, which is reviewed here in great depth and for the first time. This is an ambient temperature technology which offers some unique advantages for printing metals and alloys, as well as composite and functionally graded materials.

Volume 19: Metallic Glasses and Their Composites
The formation of metallic glasses and dual-phase composite/hybrid materials is reviewed, as well as the glass transition process and the resulting structural phenomena. These materials exhibit high strength, extreme hardness, good wear resistance and large elastic deformation.

Volume 18: Ferrite Materials for Memory Applications
The book discusses the synthesis and characterization of various ferrite materials used for memory applications. The distinct feature of the book is the construction of charge density of ferrites by deploying the maximum entropy method (MEM). This charge density gives the distribution of charges in the ferrite unit cell, which is analyzed for charge related properties.

Volume 17: Recent Advances in Photovoltaics
The search for new materials and/or new structures such as multi-junctions, nanostructures, photoelectrochemical cells, organic solar cells etc. for improved performance is discussed. The experimental investigations on certain materials and modelling for better results are also described in the book.

Volume 16: Inorganic Pollutants in Wastewater
The book extensively investigates the most recent improvements in the area of inorganic pollutants analysis, removal and treatment of wastewater by utilizing different materials such as natural polymers, husks, graphene and carbon nanotube composites, fruit cortex etc. It covers photocatalysis, adsorption, desalination and electrochemical technologies used for the analysis and treatment of inorganic pollutants.

Volume 15: Applications of Adsorption and Ion Exchange Chromatography in Waste Water Treatment
Waste water treatment is of great worldwide interest. Much research focuses on nanotechnology and the development of new smart materials. The book presents contributions of well-known authors in the field.

Volume 14: Elemental Graphene Analogues
The present monograph summarizes all of the work carried out on such monolayer materials up to the beginning of 2017, with attention being restricted to those, like graphene, being composed of a single element. Most of the work done so far on these ‘elemental graphene analogues’ has been theoretical, but the existing experimental data suggest that they may well become as useful as graphene.

Volume 13: Innovation in Smart Materials and Structural Health Monitoring for Composite Applications
Structural health monitoring (SHM) is an automated approach to determine any changes in the integrity of mechanical systems. The SHM system gives information in real time and online. It is thus very useful in damage detection, damage localization, damage assessment and life prediction.

Volume 12: Recent Advances in Energy Storage Materials and Devices
This book presents nine comprehensive contributions on topics ranging from the principles of Li-ion batteries to future energy storage systems such as solid electrolytes for all-solid-state batteries and high capacity redox flow batteries.

Volume 11: Study of Biocompatible and Biological Materials
The book gives an overview on biomineralization, biological, biocompatible and biomimetic materials. It reveals the use of biomaterials alone or in composites, how their performance can be improved by tailoring their surface properties by external factors and how standard surface modification techniques can be applied in the area of biomaterials to beneficially influence their growth on surfaces.

Volume 10: Point Defects in Group IV Semiconductors
This book focuses on the properties of defects in group IV semiconductors and, using a physico-chemical approach, aims to clarify whether full knowledge of their chemical nature can account for several problems encountered in practice. Also discussed is the need for further experimental and theoretical research.

Volume 9: Optical Furnaces for Crystal Growth
This monograph is devoted to the growth of crystals using optical furnaces. Optical furnaces can be understood and designed making recurrence to concepts that stem from analytical geometry.

Volume 8: Current Trends on Lanthanide Glasses and Materials
This monograph covers the latest developments in lanthanide doped glasses and phosphor materials.

Volume 7: Contemporary Dielectric Materials
This book deals with experimental results of the physical characterization of several important dielectric materials of great current interest. The experimental tools used for the analysis of these materials include X-ray diffraction, dielectric measurements, magnetic measurements using a vibrating sample magnetometer, optical measurements using a UV-Visible spectrometer etc.

Volume 6: Radiation Effects in Silicon Carbide
The book reviews the most interesting, in the author’s opinion, publications concerned with radiation defects formed in 6H-, 4H-, and 3C-SiC under irradiation with electrons, neutrons, and some kinds of ions. The electrical parameters that make SiC a promising material for applications in modern electronics are discussed in detail.

Volume 5: New Polymeric Composite Materials
This book reviews the latest research results in the field of polymeric composite materials and explores the technological advantages of these materials in environmental, biomedical, actuator and fuel cell applications.

Volume 4: Hexaferrite Permanent Magnetic Materials
This concise book is intended to provide an overview of the basic concepts of magnetism and magnetic properties pertinent to permanent magnetic materials. Emphasis is placed on hexaferrite materials for permanent magnet applications, with M-type ferrites as the focal point. The discussion is kept brief, in an attempt to provide a wide spectrum of knowledge for quick reference to specialized scientists and engineers in this ever increasing industry.

Volume 3: Nano Semiconducting Materials
The main focus of the present book is the characterization of a number of nano-semiconducting materials, using such techniques as powder X-ray diffraction, UV-visible spectrophotometry, Raman spectrometry, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and vibrating sample magnetometry. The materials studied include ZnS, TiO2, NiO, Ga doped ZnO, Mn doped SnO2, Mn doped CeO2 and Mn doped ZrO2.

Volume 2: Novel Ceramic Materials
The book presents a number of novel ceramic materials that have great potential for advanced technological applications, such as microwave devices, communication instruments and memory devices.

Volume 1: Charge Density and Structural Characterization of Thermoelectric Materials
In addition to providing an introduction to the field, the main objective of this book is to present research results concerning the growth and structural characterization of thermoelectric materials that are of high current interest.

Materials Research Foundations / MRF

(A monograph and special topic series for highly focused books and booklets)

ISSN 2471-8890, Print
ISSN 2471-8904, Online


Materials Research Foundations publishes materials research related monograph type books, multi-authored and edited chapter style special topic volumes.

The series also publishes booklets with less than 100 pages for very specific topics.

Our authors and editors will enjoy highly individualized services such as excellent editing, digital typesetting, help with figures, expedited book publishing, worldwide marketing, etc.

Authors retain full copyright. Volumes are made available for indexing in the Book Citation Index which is part of the Web of Science.

Volumes are published very rapidly and made available 4-8 weeks after final acceptance.
All authors retain full copyright and are free to publish an extended and significantly updated version in another periodical/series of their choice.

We are always looking for new authors and guest editors. Please contact Mr. Thomas Wohlbier (President) via for details.





Erian Armanios, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Chelsey Z. Hargather, New Mexico Tech, USA
Golam M. Newaz, Wayne State University, USA
Efstathios I. Meletis, The University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Rahmi Ozisik, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Yongho Sohn, University of Central Florida, USA
Gleb Yushin, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Farhad Aslani, University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia
Graeme E. Murch, The University of Newcastle, Australia
Andreas Oechsner, Griffith University, Australia
Yuri Estrin, Monash University, Australia

Emilia Pecheva, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria

Evangelos Hristoforou, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece

K.V.R Murthy, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India
S.V.S. Narayana Murty, Vikram Sarabhai Space Center, India
G.S. Upadhyaya, IIT Kanpur, India

Januarti Jaya Ekaputri, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia
Khairurrijal, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Joshua Pelleg, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Dora Foti, Politecnico di Bari, Italy

Dmitri V. Louzguine, Tohoku University, Japan

Sami H. Mahmood, The University of Jordan, Jordan

Akii Ibhadode, University of Benin, Nigeria

Shiquan Liu, University of Jinan, P.R. China

Bożena Łosiewicz, University of Silesia, Poland
Radek Zaleski
, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland

Liviu Marșavina, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania

Vasco Manuel Pinto Teixeira, University of Minho, Portugal

Alexander Lebedev, Ioffe Institute, Russia
M.D. Starostenkov, Altai State Technical University, Russia
Rodionova Valeria, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Russia

Manoj Gupta, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Igor Medved, Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia

Hyungsun Kim, Inha University, South Korea

Terence G. Langdon, University of Southampton, U.K.
Katarina Novakovic, Newcastle University, UK