Materials Research Proceedings / MRP
Materials Research Proceedings publishes conference/symposium proceedings as OPEN ACCESS
ISSN 2474-3941 (print), ISSN 2474-395X (online)
Indexed in SCOPUS
Indexed in Google Scholar
Indexed in Inspec database
Indexed by CAS
Volume 49: Mechanical Engineering for Sustainable Development – ISME-2024
Proceedings of 22nd international conference on recent advances in mechanical engineering for sustainable development.
Volume 48: Civil and Environmental Engineering for Resilient, Smart and Sustainable Solutions
The present book explores contemporary resilient, smart and sustainable solutions in Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Volume 47: Vernacular Architecture: Support for Territorial Development
Vernacular architecture refers to regional buildings. It utilizes resources from the region in which the buildings are situated.
Volume 46: Innovative Manufacturing Engineering and Energy: IManEE2024
The 54 contributions cover a vast array of subjects within the field of manufacturing.
Volume 45: Terotechnology XIII
The book presents recent advances in Terotechnology.
Volume 44: Metal Forming 2024
The book covers a great range of topics on metal forming technologies.
Volume 43: Renewable Energy: Generation and Application
The book covers the current status of renewable energy technology.
Volume 42: Aerospace Science and Engineering
The 2024 proceedings on Aerospace Science and Engineering has 42 presentations, with authors from more than ten institutions, including delegates from China, Germany, Lithuania, and Switzerland.
Volume 41: Material Forming
These ESAFORM 2024 conference proceedings cover a wide range of topics: Additive manufacturing; Composites forming processes; Extrusion and drawing; etc.
Volume 40: Mediterranean Architectural Heritage
This book focuses on the preservation and enhancement of the Mediterranean Architectural Heritage.
Volume 39: Porous Metals and Metallic Foams
The book focuses on the production methods, properties and applications of functional and lightweight porous/cellular metallic materials.
Volume 38: Hot Isostatic Pressing
The book presents recent advances in the use of hot isostatic pressing (HIP) techniques in the manufacture and processing of materials.
Volume 37: Aeronautics and Astronautics
These conference proceedings present 165 papers in all scientific and aerospace engineering fields.
Volume 36: AToMech1-2023 Supplement
The book presents a supplement to the proceedings of the International Conference on ‘Advanced Topics in Mechanics of Materials, Structures and Construction’ (AToMech1-2023).
Volume 35: Italian Manufacturing Association Conference
The book presents new advances in the field of manufacturing technologies.
Volume 34: Quality Production Improvement and System Safety
Key topics include optimizing production processes, implementing visual control and management systems.
Volume 33: Aerospace Science and Engineering
The book covers 57 peer reviewed papers from the III Aerospace PhD-Days.
Volume 32: Superplasticity in Advanced Materials
The 14th International Conference on Superplasticity in Advanced Materials, ICSAM 2023, held on July 10-12th, 2023 in Barcelona, Spain.
Volume 31: Advanced Topics in Mechanics of Materials, Structures and Construction
The book presents 81 papers referring to the properties and applications of technologically important materials.
Volume 30: Experimental Mechanics
The book presents the proceedings of the 29th Symposium on Experimental Mechanics.
Volume 29: Sustainable Processes and Clean Energy Transition
The book presents the proceedings of the International Conference on “Sustainable Processes and Clean Energy Transition” (2022).
Volume 28: Material Forming
These proceedings present papers on Additive Manufacturing, Composites Forming Processes, Extrusion and Drawing, Forging and Rolling, Formability of Metallic Materials, etc.
Volume 27: Structural Health Monitoring
The book presents the proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring.
Volume 26: Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
The book presents the proceedings of the XXV National Congress of the Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Palermo, September 2022).
Volume 25: Sheet Metal 2023
The book presents recent advances in the following areas: High speed cutting and forming of sheet metals, Incremental forming, Joining by forming, Material characterization, Modelling, Presses and press tools, Processes, Quality and reliability, Sustainability.
Volume 24: Terotechnology XII
Terotechnology is concerned with the installation, commissioning, maintenance, replacement, and removal of plant machinery and equipment.
Volume 23: Sustainable Materials and Smart Practices
This book presents recent research on sustainable building materials and their various applications.
Volume 22: Functional Materials and Applied Physics
The book presents advances in the field of functional materials.
Volume 21: Modern Trends in Manufacturing Technologies and Equipment
The book presents the proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Trends in Manufacturing Technologies and Equipment (ICMTME 2021).
Volume 20: Floating Offshore Energy Devices
This new conference series aims at presenting state-of-the-art research in the development of offshore energy machines and devices.
Volume 19: Recent Advancements in Geotechnical Engineering
Geotechnical engineering has become an important discipline of civil engineering due to its rapid advancements and environmental challenges.
Volume 18: Structural Health Monitoring
The book presents recent advances regarding the inspection and monitoring of engineering structures.
Volume 17: Terotechnology XI
The book focuses on the technology of installation, maintenance, replacement and removal of manufacturing machinery and transportation equipment.
Volume 16: Photonics and Photoactive Materials
The book focuses on innovative photonic and photoactive materials and such topics as photonic structures, silicon photonics, nanomaterials, plasmonics, graphene quantum dots, optically active defects, fluorescent materials and optical sensors.
Volume 15: Neutron Radiography
The book reveals the amazing diversity of scientific and industrial applications of this technique, the advancements of the state-of-art neutron facilities, the latest method developments, and the expected future of neutron imaging.
Volume 14: Cork Science and its Applications II
The present book places emphasis on such topics as cork quality, crashworthiness of agglomerated cork, architectural applications, cork stoppers, production of hollow cork pieces, 3D print technology based on cork waste, etc.
Volume 13: Explosion Shock Waves and High Strain Rate Phenomena
The book presents the papers presented at the 6th international conference on Explosion, Shock Wave and High Strain-Rate Phenomena (ESHP).
Volume 12: Experimental Mechanics of Solids
The book presents some of the latest experimental achievements in the mechanics of solids, machine design, mechanical engineering, biomechanics, composites, adhesive joints, laminates, coating techniques, bridge joints, data analysis, fatigue cracks, cyclic properties of metals, vibrational control systems etc.
Volume 11: By-Products of Palm Trees and Their Applications
The book focuses on the utilization of palm by-products in the following areas: Wood Alternatives and Panels, Sustainable Energy and Fertilizers, Bio-Composites, Biomedicine and Biotechnology, Fiber, Paper, and Textile, Food Applications, Design and Architecture.
Volume 10: Hot Isostatic Pressing
Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) has important applications in advanced materials manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, oil and gas industries, power generation, and medical and nuclear fields.
Volume 9: Shape Memory Alloys
The book presents selected, peer reviewed papers from the 3rd International Conference on “Shape Memory Alloys” (SMA 2018)
Volume 8: Powder Metallurgy and Advanced Materials
The book presents recent advances in the following fields: Theoretical aspects, characterization and applications of powder and PM products. New developments in powder production and processing. Functional Materials. Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies. Health, Safety and Environmental Aspects of Particulates.
Volume 7: Non-Conventional Materials and Technologies
The general aim here is to use renewable and non-polluting materials in ways that offer a high degree of sustainability and preserve the remaining natural resources for future generations.
Volume 6: Residual Stresses 2018
The European Conference on Residual Stresses (ECRS) series is the leading European forum for scientific exchange on internal and residual stresses in materials. It addresses both academic and industrial experts and covers a broad gamut of stress-related topics from instrumentation via experimental and modelling methodology up to stress problems in specific processes such as welding or shot-peening, and their impact on materials properties.
Volume 5: Terotechnology
The volume presents advances in materials research and technology in the area of terotechnology, i.e. the technology of installation, maintenance, replacement and removal of plant machinery and equipment, reliability analysis, technical diagnostics, tribology and technical safety.
Volume 4: Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation
This book presents the proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation which was hosted by the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (Necsa) SOC Limited in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Volume 3: Cork Science and its Applications
Cork and cork agglomerates are natural cellular materials that are receiving much interest in a number of technological applications, e.g. as Feedstock for the Additive 3D Printing Technology; Solar, Wind and Bioenergy applications; Sorbent for Pesticides and Heavy Metals; and Water Treatment.
Volume 2: Residual Stresses 2016
This book presents the proceedings of the International Conference on Residual Stresses 10 and is devoted to the prediction/modelling, evaluation, control, and application of residual stresses in engineering materials.
Volume 1: Dielectric Materials and Applications
The goal of this collection of peer reviewed papers is to provide researchers and scientists from all over the world with recent developments in dielectric materials and their innovative applications. The book will be useful for materials scientists, physicists, chemists, biologists, and electrical engineers engaged in fundamental and applied research or technical investigations of such materials.