Labomiz scientific ltd. is a USA based manufacturer of Laboratory equipment and analytical instruments. We believe in supplying a product of the highest quality and innovative design.We have the team of highly skilled and experienced professionals in area of marketing, sales, application and support; who are quite efficient to deliver reliable and affordable solution through constant innovation so that we can achieve higher customer satisfaction consistently.We offers a wide range of analytical and laboratory instruments which include Laboratory equipment: Centrifuge, Autoclave, Bath and Circulators, Bio Safety Cabinets, CO2 Incubator, Electrophoresis, Elisa Reader, Lab Freezer, Lab Refrigerator, Fume Hood, Lab Furnace, Gel Documentation, Glassware Washing Machine, Heating Mantle, Hot Plate and Hotplate Stirrer, Incubator, Kjeldahl System, Lab Shakers and Rockers, Microplate Reader, Microplate Washer, Microscope, Mixer and Vortexer, Pass Box, Peristaltic Pump, Rotary Evaporator, Test Chamber, Ultrasonic Cleaner, Vacuum Pump, Water Distiller, Water Purification System.Analytical instruments : Lab balance, Spectrophotometer, Multi Purpose Analyzer, Chromatography, HPLC, Hydrometer, Refractometer, Thermal Cycler, Viscometer.We understand that our success depends on your satisfaction and our history is a testimony to our commitment.
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Transparent Metals
Mechanical Engineering for Sustainable Development - ISME-2024
Civil and Environmental Engineering for Resilient, Smart and Sustainable Solutions $0.00
Applications of Polymers in Surgery II $150.00
Vernacular Architecture $0.00 – $190.00
Innovative Manufacturing Engineering and Energy $0.00 – $190.00
Advances in Healthcare and Nanoparticle Toxicology $125.00
Emerging Materials for Next Frontier Energy and Environment Applications $95.00
Green Synthesis and Emerging Applications of Frontier Nanomaterials $125.00
Terotechnology XIII $0.00 – $125.00