Established in 1982, nCode has been the leading brand for engineering data analysis solutions with special concentration in fatigue and durability. nCode software help customers understand product performance, accelerate product development and improve design in a broad range of industries.
The power and ease of use of nCode software by HBM is a direct result of its world-class development process, expertise and in-depth experience in:
Fatigue and Durability
Test Data Analysis and Signal Processing
Materials Selection and Characterization
Engineering Data Management
"My work is related to education and research in the field of fatigue and fracture of structures, with a focus on life design and analysis of gas turbine and aero engine. My research team has been using the nCode software to analyze the fatigue life of gas turbine rotors and to undertake research in high temperature damage tolerant design. Currently, the software has been successfully applied to the life analysis of ultra-supercritical turbines and cylinders, and the damage tolerant design of a new type of welded rotor. The software has a friendly interface and allows for my PhD students to develop new analysis methods. The analysis results obtained by the software are also in agreement with measurements. We like the software. It is a powerful analysis platform for research indeed."
- Fu-Zhen Xuan, Ph.D., Professor of Mechanical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology