Novelty Structures Ltd

Business Genre
Short Business Description
Novelty Structures is a metal fabricator with extensive manufacturing capabilities and clients in Europe and North America.

Novelty Structures has the capabilities to work with carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminium.
Long Business Description

Novelty Structures is a steel fabricator with extensive manufacturing capabilities and clients in Europe and North America.

Novelty Structures has the capabilities to work with carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminium.

Major Product Groups are:

  • CNC Laser Cutting
  • CNC Punching
  • Laser Tube Cutting
  • Steel Weldments
  • Aluminium Fabrications
  • Stainless Steel Fabrications
  • Contract Manufacturing of Metal Assemblies
  • Metal Enclosure Production
  • CNC Machining Services

With years of experience in metal fabrication, we guarantee excellence in every aspect of our work. Our team is ready to meet your requirements Whether you require custom metal fabrication or industrial machinery. We take pride in our ability to deliver fabrication solutions that address the needs of our clients in the metalworking and machining industries.

Business Website Address
Business Address
Caglayan mah. Karaalioglu Kume Evleri
Ortahisar / Trabzon / Turkey
Business Country
  • CNC Laser Cutting
  • CNC Machining

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